Underground Bases
Author Richard Sauder presented his long-standing research into underground bases all over the world. His focus of study is mainly the United States. China, Russia, England, Australia, Saudi Arabia, and Israel have facilities. Underground bases in North America include the Cheyenne Mountain facility associated with NORAD, Thunder Bay in Canada run by NATO, and a complex in suburban Maryland. The White House has 17 levels underground.
According to mining documents, it's feasible to sink a shaft 2 miles, then drive a tunnel out from the shaft. The US Naval facility at China Lake used such technology in building a submarine base. Area 51 and other military complexes house recovered alien craft in subterranean chambers. Underground facilities have huge cavernous spaces 600 ft. wide by 1100 ft. tall, but you'd never know they are there walking on the ground over them.
There could be a secret space program. He cited R & D reports done at Los Alamos on how to use machines to make tunnels on the Moon-- described as cutting through rock like butter. There's documentation on nuclear-powered tunneling machines. Anti-gravity research documents seem to dry up in the 1960s, but this technology went classified, and it is part of the clandestine space program. There are unsolved disappearances of citizens-- some taken to underground facilities and used as guinea pigs for secretive cloning and genetic experiments.
C2C, 2010 10 01
Anomalous Phenomena
Anomalous Phenomena
Investigator of anomalous phenomena and U.K. radio host Ross Hemsworth discussed his latest work on EVPs, parallel dimensions, UFOs, crop circles, and orbs. Something could be tapping into electromagnetic energy in the earth, at various hotspots, to create paranormal activity.
Here are observations:
Clairvoyants can sometimes communicate with orbs, which seem to be a manifestation of energy, typically circular in shape.
An image of a Reptilian or interdimensional alien was captured in a photo taken at Rendlesham Forest. The being was not seen by the naked eye.
The veil between dimensions is coming down as we get closer to 2012. Cultures (the Maya, Hopi, Maori) have pointed to 2012 as a time of pivotal change.
There is a powerful energy line running underneath Loch Ness. Geophysical fault lines could allow for a portal or gateway where creatures such as Nessie come through.
Time slips are views of a parrallel universe in a different time range.
Ouija Boards open a gateway but often to lower realm spirits.
Cases of psychic attack are on the rise.
Cemeteries are not particularly haunted, as spirits leave their bodies at the point of death, not where they're buried.
For recording EVPs, use a cassette tape recorder, ask questions, then leave the room with the recorder running.
Infrared camcorders seem to work well for capturing anomalous activity on video.
C2C, 2009 06 16
Science & The Supernatural
Ian Punnett welcomed Harvard educated brain surgeon Dr. Allan Hamilton for a discussion about his experiences with spirituality and the supernatural, and how they manifested themselves in lives of patients. Reflecting on anomalous events observed over the course of his career, Hamilton said, "it's pervasive throughout medicine and yet we've sort of held the lid on it."
Hamilton talked about having the unsettling ability to know a patient is dangerously close to death because they take on a yellow, waxy color. He noticed this while working as an assistant to a veterinarian and saw it appear on dying animals' faces. As a surgeon, he recognized the hue again on faces of patients who went on to die or came precipitously close to death. He dismissed this was an absolute means of determining a patient's viability but ordered tests on a patient after observing the troubling color.
He shared an amazing story of a seemingly separate form of consciousness which he said was "about as close as I'll get to the holy grail of the soul in this life." A recovering brain surgery patient remembered the doctors' OR conversation and described it with remarkable detail. Due to the nature of the surgery, her brain had no electrical activity at the time and the creation of memories should have been impossible. There's no way this brain can make memories. Yet, memories were made somewhere.
Spying & Espionage
Spying & Espionage
KGB agent and intelligence expert Oleg Kalugin discussed Soviet propaganda, mysterious disappearances, cover-ups, and provided an insider account of what it was like to be a spy working behind the Iron Curtain.
C2C, 2009 06 15
Astral Possession & Spiritual Healing
Author and speaker Dr. Susan Shumsky talked about astral possession and shared her own nightmarish possession experience, which happened the first time she tried psychedelic LSD. Shumsky was plagued by visual and auditory hallucinations, and even sought the help of a psychiatrist to find relief. A cure eventually came through transcendental meditation.
Shumsky explained how people can be bound with psychic ties formed by the residue left over from negative experiences, and stressed the importance of cutting these cords in order to have better more intimate relationships. Shumsky suggested those afflicted by psychic ties say the following prayer: "I now call upon [the god of your understanding] to cut all psychic ties between myself and [name of person]. These psychic ties are now lovingly cut, lifted, blessed, healed, released and let go into the divine light."
Shumsky spoke about psychic vampires and psychic bullies who drain and manipulate their victims. She offered a daily affirmation to help people maintain self-authority and deal with these attacks: "I am in control. I am the only authority in my life. I am divinely protected by the light of my being. I close off my aura and body of light to the lower astral levels of mind and I open to the spiritual world."
Shumsky discussed faker spirits pretending to be other beings in order to attach themselves to living humans and control them. A simple method of astral healing can be employed to de-possess people. Rather than driving out a demonic spirit (which would just go piggy back someone else's soul), she attempts to heal the entity and send it into the divine light.
C2C, 2009 06 06
Consciousness Experiments
Consciousness Experiments
Founder of the Global Consciousness Project (GCP), Roger Nelson discussed his efforts to scientifically quantify activity of consciousness in the world. The GCP continuously collects data from a network of random number generators located at 65 sites around the world, and examines correlations that may reflect the activity of consciousness. Specific global events such as 9-11 have set off spikes in the pattern of the number generators that are statistically very unlikely to occur randomly. This type of evidence has led Nelson to conclude that large scale group consciousness can have effects in the physical world.
Spikes in the number generators seen just before major events indicate that global consciousness can have premonitions just as individual humans do. The brain's neurons result in consciousness-- neurons don't know anything about consciousness, but produce it. Humans operate in a similar fashion in the way they create a global consciousness. Humanity may be capable of a consciousness evolution, tapping into the unitary whole.
C2C, 2009 06 05
Telepathy & Technology
Lecturer and author Dr. Nick Begich discussed research on telepathy in the battlefield, where brain waves give commands. Today's science-fiction may be tomorrow science-fact. Begich described DARPA's far-out experiments which allow military communication through analysis of neural signals rather than vocalized speech, using EEG to read brain waves. A similar technique might be employed with mind reading binoculars which pick up threats faster than the conscious mind can process them.
He raised ethical concerns over the use of such neuro-technology, and the possible imposition of learning people's inner/private thoughts. People wrestle with their thoughts, which are later formalized into behavior, so analysis of the thought process may not yield accurate conclusions about a person's actions.
It may be possible to create or delete memory sets-- but how could one discern the truthfulness of testimony such as in a court of law? We are now seeing the convergence of computer, biological, and electronic systems, allowing the unprecedented interface between humans and machines. Check this YouTube video clip that features excerpts from some of his lectures/demos as well as an appearance on the Canadian TV show, Undercurrents.
C2C, 2009 06 04
Cosmology & Discoveries
Physics and mathematics Pr at Columbia University, Brian Greene discussed discoveries in cosmology, and the groundbreaking Superstring Theory and other current research. Einstein's quest for a Unified Field Theory went unfulfilled in his lifetime. String Theory could turn out to be the uniting explanation he was looking for. The theory suggests that inside the smallest known particles such as quarks and electrons even smaller objects exist-- filaments or strings that vibrate and produce different particles.
Related to this is the idea that we may live in a world with as many as 11 different dimensions. These dimensions may not be that exotic-- they could just not be visible to humans. The Big Bang could be happening in an ongoing fashion creating new universes, like bubbles, and it might be possible someday to communicate with other universes through gravitational signals.
It's possible our universe is not curved but like a gigantic cube that goes on forever, such that if you kept going you would never return to your starting place. A black hole could be thought of as a moment where time ends, rather than a specific location.
C2C, 2009 06 02
Medical sage, known for his work on the healing power of prayer, Dr. Larry Dossey discussed premonitions, and how the mind is more powerful than conventional science reports. Premonitions or forewarnings deal with upcoming disastrous incidents or health problems. A mother dreamt about a chandelier that fell on her baby. She acted on the premonition, the child's life was saved. The chandelier did end up crashing into the crib.
There could be a genetic component to premonitions that protects from upcoming hazards, and fosters survival. The ability to have warnings about the future suggests that consciousness is not localized strictly within the brain or body, or aligned to time. One can recognize accurate premonitions by their numinosity, vividness, and whether they are shared by others.
In a 1950 incident, an entire choir avoided a natural gas explosion at their church by showing up late for practice. Each member had mundane reasons for being late. They stayed away because they had an unconscious linked awareness.
A practice of meditation, keeping a dream diary, is useful in becoming attuned to premonitions. The futurist think tank, the Arlington Institute has a project in which people record premonitions/intuitions. http://gotpsi.org/html/gotpsi.htm offers online tests of psychic abilities.
C2C, 2009 05 14
Extinctions & Climate Change
Extinctions & Climate Change
Live from Manila, Art Bell returned for a discussion with Prof. Peter Ward about his work on mass extinctions and the self destructive nature of our planet, as well as the possibility for life in our solar system and beyond. Saturn's moon Titan may harbor life, but it's so cold there that life forms might be silicon rather carbon-based, and move at an extremely slow pace. Gravity from Earth's moon slows us to our 24-hours in-a-day cycle. If the moon was gone, the Earth would have 4-hour days and a never ending series of storms.
Life is ultimately its own worst enemy. Out of 14 mass extinctions on Earth, only one-- the extinction of the dinosaurs, was related to an asteroid. The rest were due to bacteria that took over and created toxic hydrogen sulfide gas. With the current scenario of greenhouse gases and global warming, we're heading into a future where conditions for this bacteria to proliferate will return. As in the deep past, we'd see the ocean turn purple and skies turn green.
Ward commented that the Gaia Hypothesis, that Earth is a living being that sustains itself, leads to wishful thinking and that we must use technology and engineering to avoid the disastrous effects of climate change. He argued for increasing alternative forms of energy, curbing pollution, and practicing conservation.
Tech Dumbing Down Kids
Tech Dumbing Down Kids
Ian Punnett was joined by Emory U. Pr Mark Bauerlein who discussed his theory that the digital age, with its promise of quick and easy access to information, has actually produced a generation of young people (less than 30) less knowledgeable about the world and more self-absorbed than any that has preceded.
We keep waiting for the fruits of all of this greater knowledge and information to come forth in younger people. Reading scores are down since the early 1990s, an increasing number of incoming freshmen are placed into remedial courses, and employers complain about poor communications skills in their younger employees.
Bauerlein believes electronic messaging and social-networking (Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, IM) have contributed to the problem, as digital tools allow young people to remain entirely focused on themselves and their peers. Kids communicate with friends 24 hours a day about every trivial detail of their lives. This immersion in the adolescent world is preventing young people from growing up.
Bauerlein pointed out that constant texting, with its simple sentences and peculiar grammar, has reduced this generations' capacity to write cogent arguments, read dense texts and perform well as students. As many as 55% of high school students study or read no more than 1 h/week.
Bauerlein expressed concern over statistics that show the number of young Americans majoring in science, math and technology has dropped over the last 20 years. A larger number of foreign born students are now seeking advanced degrees in these subjects. This shift will cause the United States to lose its intellectual edge to other nations, such as China and India, and diminish the country's economic power.
C2C, 2009 05 18
Mind Programming
Mind Programming
Doctor of Psychology and Metaphysics, and student of the human mind, Eldon Taylor discussed his work in mind control and brainwashing, subliminal suggestion, lie detection, and reverse speech. His book Mind Programming is here to make people aware that marketers are spending billions to influence minds, and that armed with this knowledge they take back the power of the mind.
We don't stop to think that we're unable to think-- our perceptual framework has been foisted upon us. Violence depicted on TV and in video games acts to desensitize people to life-affirming values.
Subliminal messages have been employed by advertisers for products such as cigarettes and liquor, planting hidden material that heightens one's sense of arousal, as well as building anxiety. Political campaigns have used these kinds of messages. During the 2000 campaign, a Bush ad against Gore, flashed the word RAT, shortened from DEMOCRAT. Advertising influences, and tipped the election in favor of Bush.
He spoke about his work with lie detection and the polygraph machine, which he characterized as a kind of bio-feedback mechanism. Reverse speech is similar to a Freudian slip.
Happiness Research
Happiness Research
Author and futurist Stephan Schwartz talked about research that shows happiness is contagious. Our minds are linked. He suggested a four-fold set of tools to take control of one's life:
Figure out what your purpose is.
Develop a practice of focusing.
Develop a practice of self-healing.
Find a way to look into your future with goals but not cherished outcomes.
C2C, 2009 05 08
Programmed Reality
Programmed Reality
Scientific truth seeker Jim Elvidge presented the theory of a programmed reality of the universe. Everything we perceive could be under programmed control, with thoughts and intents monitored and generated by a computational mechanism. Theories have been proposed by philosophers, physicists, and sci-fi authors. As technology such as video games and virtual reality becomes more lifelike, this notion might be probable. Programmers of our reality could be humans from the future able to create advanced simulations. Possibilities include an AI-generated reality like in The Matrix, or an alien civilization's program that reveals its own artifacts (UFOs, the anomalous archeology findings Michael Cremo has written about). Paranormal phenomena such as telepathy and clairvoyance tie in with the notion of the Akashic Records, where all future and past events can be accessed. From a programmed reality standpoint, the Akashic field is a data bank of the computer.
C2C, 2009 03 26
The Future of Science
The Future of Science
Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku discussed how dreams may become reality in the not-too-distant future. Inspired by the dismissive nature of other scientists to far-reaching ideas, Kaku studied possibilities for such fictional advancements. He found what many believe to be impossible may be a matter of time. He marveled that 80% of science fiction is actually do-able within a few decades to a century.
On a microscopic scale, scientists in Austria have teleported photons over incremental distances. Teleporting more complex structures like whole molecules could become possible within this decade. A breakthrough closer to reality is telepathy. We read rudiments of thought in the lab.
Kaku warned of a dire future scenario: a solar tsunami from outer space wiping out communications on planet Earth. The sun undergoes a polar shift every 11 years, creating a shock wave. The next event is, chillingly, on 2012. Painting a frightening scenario, Kaku said that if the Earth was hit by a massive solar burst, the result could be catastrophic with property damage reaching up to 1 trillion $.
Few things violate laws of physics. Most of what is seen in Star Trek and Star Wars is just an engineering problem.
C2C, 2009 04 23
Doctors confirm woman's imaginary third arm
Doctors confirm woman's imaginary third arm
The brain of a 64-year-old patient reacts as if she had a third arm.
The woman reported to doctors at Geneva University Hospital the presence of a pale, milky-white and translucent third arm.
After examining the case, the woman's neurologist, Asaid Khateb of the hospital's experimental neurophysiology laboratory, called the phenomenon credible.
The arm appeared to the woman a few days after suffering a stroke.
This case of a supernumerary phantom limb (SPL) is a head-scratcher.
The woman can use the apparitional extremity to relieve itches on the cheek. It cannot penetrate solid objects.
She does not always perceive the arm but retrieves it when needed.
It is the first case known of a person being able to feel, see and deliberately move a limb that doesn't exist. Findings are published in the Annals of Neurology.
Khateb and his colleagues examined the patient's brain using functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to see whether the brain is stimulated, and to pinpoint where. Investigations revealed that the woman experienced what she described.
Researchers instructed the woman to move her right hand. The motor cortex and visual processing areas in the left side of her brain mobilised.
The same effects were observed to a lesser extent when the woman imagined moving her right hand. Imaginary movements of the woman's paralysed left hand prompted the same activity on the right side.
When asked to move her phantom arm, the brain reacted as though the arm existed and could be moved. The visual cortex was activated, indicating she saw the imaginary limb.
When instructed to scratch her cheek, regions of the brain relating to touch were activated.
The cause of the imaginary arm remains a mystery. Supernumerary limbs are rare. There are 9 known cases of a patient feeling and seeing an arm.
"Existing evidence from stroke-elicited SPLs implicates the mismatch between the subject's well-established sensorimotor representations and a suddenly aberrant pattern of communication between the brain and the paralysed limb," authors wrote.
It could represent a missing link between classical phantom limbs and phenomena such as out-of-body experiences (OBE).
Phantom limbs are associated with people who have had an amputation. 50 to 80 % of people who have had body parts removed suffer from it. In most cases it is painful, according to a 1984 article published in the Clinical Journal of Pain.
"These conditions might offer a unique way to understand how the brain constructs a normal experience of bodily awareness and the self" .
The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates described symptoms of a stroke.
A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted. It leaves part of the brain unable to function, leading to paralysis, cognitive impairments and difficulty seeing.
Strokes can cause permanent neurological damage and death, and are one of the leading causes of death in the Western world.
Symptoms of stroke include numbness, loss in brain function, altered sensory perception (smell, taste, hearing, vision), decreased reflexes, change in heart rate and breathing.
People at a higher risk of stroke are those with high blood cholesterol and diabetes, smokers, heavy drinkers, drug users, people with unhealthy diets and obese.
Neurosurgeon John L. Turner M.D. spoke about his spiritual journey and study of metaphysical techniques. During a brain tumor surgery that wasn't going well, he first tried out the power of prayer. "Please let me help stop this bleeding," he thought, and miraculously the patient started to do better almost immediately. It was as though he was tapping into a higher power. This incident launched his quest to study life-after-death, electronic voice phenomena (EVP), remote viewing, and out-of-body experiences.
Setting up a method known as Radio Sweep to capture EVP, Turner captured the voice of a deceased friend, uttering the word "hello." See johnlturner.com/index.php/114-The-Cryptic-Case-of-Martin-Simmonds.html
Serial Killers
Serial Killers
Psychologist Vonda Pelto talked about her work with serial killers. In her office, a converted cell on a serial killer cell block, she knew people such as Kenneth Bianchi (the Hillside Strangler). Encounters took a toll on her psyche.
C2C, 2009 03 25
Exorcism & Demons
Exorcism & Demons
Journalist Matt Baglio discussed his work chronicling an American priest's training as an exorcist, and how the exorcism ritual is used to combat demonic influence and possession. Baglio took a course in exorcism training offered by a Vatican-affiliated university near Rome. Italy has 350-400 church-appointed exorcists, and 500,000 people seek out exorcisms annually in that country. The United States has 14-15 exorcists sanctioned by the Catholic church.
Demons are fallen angels, incorporeal beings who manipulate matter: opening and closing doors, making objects move around or disappear, changing the room temperature. People open themselves up to demons and become tormented by them, through practicing the occult, hardened sin, curses, cults. Exorcism draws out the demon.
Those who are possessed through a curse are among the hardest to exorcise. A priest can determine if the possession is the result of a curse by touching a cross to parts of the afflicted's body. The possessed vomit up braids of hair, beads, 3-inch nails, a live toad. In the case of the toad, it began to jump around the room, and when the priest caught it, it dissolved into saliva.
"Dangers associated with exorcism have been over-hyped, with respect to how exorcists can be attacked. I asked one exorcist, is it true if you put your hand on a person's head that you become possessed or the demon comes out of the person into you? He laughed, and said it was ridiculous. It's not a disease, you can't catch it. You can't become possessed by living with a possessed person. This is an interior thing that happens through the individual will of the person." --Matt Baglio
C2C, 2009 03 24
Parapsychology & Rhine
Parapsychology & Rhine
Author Stacy Horn discussed her research into the work of Dr. J. B. Rhine who led the Duke University Parapsychology Lab from 1930 to 1980. Prof. Rhine was the first to apply the scientific method in studying parapsychology and came up with repeatable experiments that showed telepathy, psychokinesis, and precognition do exist, to some degree. Zener Cards that depict five different designs were used in double blind studies and demonstrated that some have ESP abilities.
Horn went through boxes of Rhine's correspondence with figures such as Einstein & Nixon, as well as people involved in paranormal activity such as Rev. Luther Schultz who dealt with the possessed boy in the 1949 case that the movie & book The Exorcist was based on. Schultz believed that a poltergeist was the cause of the disruptions rather than demonic possession. The Rhine Lab investigated cases of poltergeist activity, and their possible connections to psychokinetic abilities. It found that 17 out of 65 (26%) cases had no normal explanation.
Throughout his research, Rhine's work faced negative and disparaging reactions from scientists at large. After his death, the Parapsychology Lab left Duke, and reformed as the private Rhine Research Center. PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research) Lab closed in 2007. The University of Virginia offers a Division of Perceptual Studies on the paranormal.
C2C, 2009 03 10
A Science of Alchemy?
A Science of Alchemy?
Investigator of alternative technologies and physics, Joseph P. Farrell discussed his research into ancient alchemy and how the principles behind it have been used by Nazi scientists. Farrell cautioned against dismissing alchemy as a pseudo science, noting that the concept has endured for hundreds of years. "They wouldn't be doing this if, in some cases, they didn't have some success". The historical record is replete with occasions of alchemists claiming to have been successful in their experiments.
Looking at how alchemical science may have played a part in recent history, Farrell pointed out that it is often forgotten by historians that "alchemy was kind of a popular hobby, in between the wars, inside of Germany." There were serious scientific studies being done by German companies, aimed at mastering the ancient practice. He theorized that the infamous project "The Bell" was evidence that the Nazis were working with the same concepts that were used by historical alchemists. However, such experiments had goals far beyond turning base metals into gold.
Some potential possibilities as a result of successfully harnessing the transformative powers attributed to alchemy, are free energy and a new form of propulsion. But the ability to weaponize this advanced science keeps powers that be from revealing it to the world. Farrell said, "we're fast approaching the day when we can no longer afford, as a planet, to ignore its beneficial applications."
"Anytime you're in possession of a technology that can engineer the fabric of space-time itself, directly, then you have a weaponization potential that would make the hydrogen bomb look like a firecracker." --Joseph P. Farrell on the far-reaching dangers of the Nazi's alchemically-based research.
C2C, 2009 03 09
Alcohol Fuel Update
Alcohol Fuel Update
Alternative energy advocate David Blume updated on alcohol fuel. Big oil companies take control of independent fuel markets like oil refiner Valero, buying the corn ethanol plants of bankrupt ethanol producer VeraSun. Bankruptcies are related to the manipulation of futures contracts.
Cars can run on up to 50% alcohol without conversion. Plants such as sweet sorghum and cattails offer a higher yield for fuel than corn.
C2C, 2009 03 03
Authors Marie D. Jones and Larry Flaxman discussed the phenomenon of frequently seeing 11:11 on clocks, and the Jungian synchronicities of numbers. When people wake up and look at the clock, it's often the same time. Synchronicities are an exterior influence, a guardian angel giving a time prompt, or the matrixing of the brain, the propensity for pattern recognition.
Synchronicities, meaningful coincidences, link an objective experience with a subjective response. The more this occurs, the more we take notice. Time prompts such as 11:11, and other combinations like 4:44, remind to live in the present, be alert, to slow down. This message is more important than the numbers.
C2C, 2009 02 20