In a special show on 2012 and Mayan prophecy, 3 guests shared perspectives. Author, editor Robert Gleason talked about his new novel, Apocalypse 2012, Mayan and Toltec cultures, and their ruler/deity, Quetzalcoatl. A combination of Alexander the Great, Pericles, and Jesus, Quetzalcoatl was a uniquely compassionate god to Mesoamerican civilizations that faced various cycles of extinction due to droughts and other factors. Mayans had sophisticated astronomical knowledge, and depicted the Milky Way galaxy as a spiraling disc. December 21, 2012 marks the end of several Mayan long count calendars, and the completion of a cycle. Gleason noted all civilizations have Genesis and End Times stories.
Author Daniel Pinchbeck discussed the Mayan concept that in 2012 we are aligning with the center of the galaxy, and this could be a time for evolutionary or psychic change in the world. During an ayahuasca experience in Brazil, he received a prophetic transmission from a voice that identified itself as Quetzalcoatl and spoke about the coming of the next frequency of consciousness. Reality is less fixed than people think. Pathways can be constructed as we shift into new types of awareness. Pinchbeck is featured in the upcoming documentary 2012 Time for Change, and active in the social network site, Evolver.
Medium Christian von Lahr rounded out the evening with his interpretation of Mayan prophecy. Mayans seeked divinity, and the 2012 alignment marks the halfway point on humankind's circular evolution. Humanity is finishing its uphill struggle-- we'll no longer be dense, physical entities, but energetically lighter beings.
C2C, 2009 06 11
Triangular UFOs & Swine Flu
Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed Swine Flu, UFOs, honey bee losses, and increasing bat die-offs. The Swine Flu outbreak could herald a more virulent Fall 2009 pandemic, she detailed in an interview with influenza expert Paul Glezen, M.D. He noted the 1957 Asian flu pandemic, the 1968 Hong Kong flu pandemic, and the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic were preceded by a spring outbreak that became more harmful in the fall. The newest Swine Flu virus is a mutation that comes from 4 sources: American swine, Eurasian swine, North American human, and avian.
Witnesses described a football-field-sized triangular craft they saw while on a hunting trip in Idaho in 2000. The vehicle matched an image in the Special Ops Manual, a purported top secret document from 1954, dealing with the recovery of ET entities and technology, that Linda showed them.
Witness Kris Bales said he was under the huge craft which was about 100-200 ft. above him, silently sitting there. It had a central pulsing red light that was about 90 ft. in diameter. His brother, Marc, observed the craft with binoculars, and saw a small dome-like light on its top.
Prophecy Update
Father Andrew Wingate checked in about his prophecy that the US would sink one of its battleships. North Korea is testing Pres. Obama with its recent nuclear demonstrations. The country wants to sell its weapons to rogue states rather than stage an attack. He predicts there will be riots in America, and revolution in cities by the poor.
C2C, 2009 05 29
Waves of Change
Author & teacher Marshall Summers discussed how humanity has crossed a critical threshold and has to adapt to a new set of circumstances such as economic hardship, climate change, and scarcity of resources. Poorer nations bear the brunt of food/water shortages and political instability, yet the world has become interdependent and it's in everyone's interest to unite, and maintain stability.
We've come to the end of a cycle and are entering into a different kind of era, a new paradigm. In the old mindset, people live in the now and don't think in terms of the future. That has to change. If we do nothing, many parts of the planet will turn into desert, and things will increasingly spin out of control.
We must learn about the current dilemmas facing humanity, deeply evaluate our lives, and find strength and faith within ourselves. Those in isolated locations face particular difficulty, and to be an idle bystander is a corrupt position. Change can have a redemptive power for humanity, and thousands of solutions/contributions can be part of it.
The Antichrist & Prophecy
TV producer and theologian Patrick Heron discussed his work researching references to the Antichrist (AC) in the Bible, including how it relates to fallen angels, the US, and prophecy. AC is referred to in the Book of Revelation as the Beast who ascends from the Abyss, with 7 heads and 10 horns. This biblical language is metaphorical with the heads representing 7 kings or heads of state, and the horns, 10 super nation-states that eventually coalesce around AC. We are seeing preparations for this consolidation, with the rise of the NWO.
What to expect from AC:
He's a man who'll present himself as the Messiah, lying with signs & wonders.
He'll die, then be raised from death (counterfeit resurrection).
He'll broker a peace deal between Arab nations and Israel.
His sidekick, False Prophet, will make people bow down to the image of AC.
Heron's interpretation of prophecy in Revelation points to the US as an important location for AC, in particular, NYC. AC is named as the ancient god Apollo.
C2C, 2009 05 22
Triangular UFOs & Swine Flu
Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed Swine Flu, UFOs, honey bee losses, and increasing bat die-offs. The Swine Flu outbreak could herald a more virulent Fall 2009 pandemic, she detailed in an interview with influenza expert Paul Glezen, M.D. He noted the 1957 Asian flu pandemic, the 1968 Hong Kong flu pandemic, and the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic were preceded by a spring outbreak that became more harmful in the fall. The newest Swine Flu virus is a mutation that comes from 4 sources: American swine, Eurasian swine, North American human, and avian.
Witnesses described a football-field-sized triangular craft they saw while on a hunting trip in Idaho in 2000. The vehicle matched an image in the Special Ops Manual, a purported top secret document from 1954, dealing with the recovery of ET entities and technology, that Linda showed them.
Witness Kris Bales said he was under the huge craft which was about 100-200 ft. above him, silently sitting there. It had a central pulsing red light that was about 90 ft. in diameter. His brother, Marc, observed the craft with binoculars, and saw a small dome-like light on its top.
Prophecy Update
Father Andrew Wingate checked in about his prophecy that the US would sink one of its battleships. North Korea is testing Pres. Obama with its recent nuclear demonstrations. The country wants to sell its weapons to rogue states rather than stage an attack. He predicts there will be riots in America, and revolution in cities by the poor.
C2C, 2009 05 29
Waves of Change
Author & teacher Marshall Summers discussed how humanity has crossed a critical threshold and has to adapt to a new set of circumstances such as economic hardship, climate change, and scarcity of resources. Poorer nations bear the brunt of food/water shortages and political instability, yet the world has become interdependent and it's in everyone's interest to unite, and maintain stability.
We've come to the end of a cycle and are entering into a different kind of era, a new paradigm. In the old mindset, people live in the now and don't think in terms of the future. That has to change. If we do nothing, many parts of the planet will turn into desert, and things will increasingly spin out of control.
We must learn about the current dilemmas facing humanity, deeply evaluate our lives, and find strength and faith within ourselves. Those in isolated locations face particular difficulty, and to be an idle bystander is a corrupt position. Change can have a redemptive power for humanity, and thousands of solutions/contributions can be part of it.
The Antichrist & Prophecy
TV producer and theologian Patrick Heron discussed his work researching references to the Antichrist (AC) in the Bible, including how it relates to fallen angels, the US, and prophecy. AC is referred to in the Book of Revelation as the Beast who ascends from the Abyss, with 7 heads and 10 horns. This biblical language is metaphorical with the heads representing 7 kings or heads of state, and the horns, 10 super nation-states that eventually coalesce around AC. We are seeing preparations for this consolidation, with the rise of the NWO.
What to expect from AC:
He's a man who'll present himself as the Messiah, lying with signs & wonders.
He'll die, then be raised from death (counterfeit resurrection).
He'll broker a peace deal between Arab nations and Israel.
His sidekick, False Prophet, will make people bow down to the image of AC.
Heron's interpretation of prophecy in Revelation points to the US as an important location for AC, in particular, NYC. AC is named as the ancient god Apollo.
C2C, 2009 05 22
Predictions & Natural Magic
Witchcraft practitioner Dr. Evelyn Paglini shared predictions, and discussed using Natural Magic to change your luck and life. She has seen a rise in dark forces over the last two years, and had a series of visions about the next 1,000 days. These were accompanied by the song Stars and Stripes Forever and contained a sense of overwhelming pain and emotion.
Here is a rundown of what she sees coming:
3-4 million more homes will be foreclosed in the US.
Crime and suicide will escalate, there will be more massacres like the Virginia Tech. A group will use explosives.
Unemployment will continue to rise until the later part of 2010.
This is a buyer's market with opportunities for good deals, for those with the wherewithal.
The current swine flu is not the virus she previously predicted would be unleashed and kill hundreds of thousands.
The Earth is going through a mini-cleansing over the next 4-5 years. We'll see extreme weather. A storm with huge winds will come up from Florida wreaking massive destruction and flooding along the Eastern seaboard.
Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Wisconsin will have flooding and earthquakes.
California will have 2 earthquakes within a 1-year period that will be stronger than the Northridge quake.
A killer heat wave will hit this summer, and next year. Arson fires will plague California and other states.
Paglini shared methods of using Natural Magic, the harnessing of energy and forces, to achieve a desired goal. The ability to enter into a meditative or alpha state is crucial for conducting rituals. She spoke about the use of specific candles and essential oils for different purposes (her change your luck ritual).
C2C, 2009 04 29
Possibility of war between Israel and Iran
The showdown is coming to a head. Reading the Israeli press, it's clear that Israel is prepared for an attack. They have rehearsed a totally unpredictable war. Consequences in the US would be dramatic and adverse. -- Jerome Corsi.
C2C, 2009 04 22
Living Universe & Humanity's Future
Visionary author Duane Elgin discussed how the universe is alive and how this paradigm can help us work toward a sustainable future. The concept of a living universe is shared by spiritual traditions. There is scientific evidence for it. Attributes support the idea of an alive universe:
It is unified rather than fragmented.
Energy (Zero Point) flows through it.
It is a dynamic system, regenerated moment by moment.
It has sentience.
A vast intelligence created this universe and other universes. Cosmologically, there are infinite dimensions, and we are on the ground floor of evolution, with three or four dimensions.
Humanity is at a crossroads, a storm of catastrophic events will greet us in the 2020s. Climate change will lead to crop failure and famine, then create civic breakdown. We're running out of resources (water, oil).
"We are being pushed into a new future. It's very likely we will pull apart in conflict, rather than pull together in cooperation. That is the key choice that I see. We are profoundly divided as a human family. I am doing everything I can to say there is a higher, more promising future; let's pull together for that." --Duane Elgin
C2C, 2009 04 16
The Dire Future
Remote viewing teacher Maj. Ed Dames discussed cases of his Matrix Intelligence Agency, and issued dire warnings over future events. Here is a rundown of what he sees coming:
In five to six months a powerful quake in the 6.5 to 7 range will hit near Carson City, NV.
In that time frame, Israel will attack Iran, in an Armageddon-like situation.
The global economic collapse is just beginning and will be especially bad this summer. Gold will rise in price to $2000/ounce.
A Bird Flu epidemic will further damage the economy.
The North Koreans will use a nuclear weapon, and the Chinese will allow it. This will tax US military forces.
Within five years, the solar killshot will occur, with the sun emitting some very large solar flares. The first series of flares will take down electrical infrastructures. People need to be underground, and have fresh sources of water to survive.
ET races have been observing humankind. Another race similar to humans in appearance will help us rebuild after the catastrophes.
C2C, 2009 04 09
L'italien Giampaolo Giuliani, de l'Institut national de physique nucléaire, a prédit depuis des semaines le séisme des Abruzzes. On a fait un rapport policier prétextant qu'il répandait la panique. Le radon était son référent.
100 000 personnes perdent leur demeure. 150 morts, 1500 blessés, 250 disparus, 10 000-15 000 bâtiments endommagés. Magnitude 5,8-6,3.
Métro, 2009 04 07
272 morts.
24 heures, 2009 09 04
283 morts.
24 heures, 2009 04 10-13
Messages from the Light
Mellen-Thomas Benedict, one of the most studied near-death experiencers, told of knowledge he's accrued from being on the other side. Since his 1982 NDE in which he was without vital signs for 90 min, and left his body, he's been able to access the light.
Some observations are:
We are all part of a Great Self-- the sum total of all of us and everything that has ever been.
Creation has just begun, and the future is so bright. We've already made it.
There is no plan, there never was. You were given the universe to do what you will. The only meaning to life is what you give it.
Some science fiction luminaries such as Jules Verne and Gene Roddenberry were more accurate in their visions of the future than any psychics or prophets.
In the not too distant future, we'll be able to replicate food and water. We'll no longer need big farms.
In the next 400 years, we'll star-seed planets.
2012 is not the end of the world but a cosmological signpost. We'll see more meteor showers and cosmic events around this time.
Reincarnation is more real and dynamic than people can imagine.
Benedict also talked about inventions he's brought back from the other side, including healing light technology. Light can have enzymatic effects and recharge the cells in your body.
"On my tombstone, I want it written: Leave a message, I'll be right back." --Mellon-Thomas Benedict
C2C, 2009 04 03
2012 & Natural Time
The man who introduced the date December 21, 2012 into mass consciousness, Jose Arguelles discussed how he uncovered Mayan codes, including the Harmonic Convergence (1987), and the need to return to natural time. He was joined by Stephanie South, whose biography of Arguelles is published.
Arguelles believes a solar flare will deliver a knock out punch to modern civilization in 2012. Satellites, the power grid, and communications will go down, creating an irrevocable event. The positive aspect of this is that we'll be placed back in natural time. The biosphere can clean itself of effects from the industrial/mechanized system.
Early Mayans had ET-type contacts from advanced beings, "telepathic transmissions through dimensions where the fractal properties of a particular form remain constant through dimensions, so they get reconstructed in the dimension where they're being targeted," he explained. Arguelles is an advocate for the 13 moon – 28 day calendar, which was one system Mayans used. Living in a natural cycle will bring about a harmonious shift in consciousness.
"We've deviated from nature because of following mechanistic time and an irregular calendar. We can return to sanity and wholeness by returning to living in the universal cosmic cycles of nature. We can reestablish a sane cosmic civilization based on cultivation of self-sustaining economies, non-polluting technologies." --Jose Arguelles
C2C, 2009 04 02
Earth Changes, Prophecy, Preparedness
Authors Stan Deyo and his wife Holly Drennan Deyo discussed earth changes, prophecy, social unrest, and what to do to prepare for the coming upheaval. The sun's protective bubble has shrinked. It makes Earth more susceptible to harmful cosmic rays. Dramatic weather events, with extremes in cold and heat, and more floods and drought are manifestations.
The Deyos recently visited an Indian tribe and discussed with the Hopi nation. According to prophecy, the sun will get so hot that grass will burn, and water will submerge many areas in the United States. A prelude to the earth changes will be a civil war between factions within the U.S., followed by Martial Law, and an overseas invasion leading to the fall of America.
Families have to put together a Disaster Plan with a meeting place outside of the home. Food delivery will be interrupted at stores. Intensive gardening, growing a lot of plants in a small, concentrated area is the solution. Have enough food, medicine and water to regroup.
"Live away from the coast, east of the Rockies, west of the Mississippi, and out of big cities. If you can be within 50 miles of a big city, that would be preferable." --Holly Deyo
C2C, 2009 02 19
Luciferian Codes
Researcher and filmmaker Ken Klein discussed hidden Luciferian codes and the positive and negative forces in the universe which he's deciphered primarily from the Book of Revelation. He has the ability to glean and interpret knowledge from the spiritual dimension. Lucifer was an anointed Cherubim angel, but after his involvement with the Ofanim, a type of creator angel, a war broke out among the angelic orders, and Lucifer was cast out to be the warden of Earth, a kind of prison planet.
Lucifer used the creator code of the Ofanim to create beings that weren't in God's intention-- like the dinosaurs. Lucifer, called Satan, dwells in our atmosphere, and people are puppets of his virus. He talked about Revelation's references to Beasts, Satanic systems begun 5,000 years ago to enslave mankind.
The economic, political, and religious world is infected with Satanic viruses, and we're now arriving at the end game, which is the Mark of the Beast. After the destruction of world fiat currencies, a global control system will be installed, where people will use a bar-coded identity to make purchases. This will curtail free will. The Antichrist will be a being in a specially engineered body, such as a clone.
"The first ghost sighting of Lincoln occurred during Calvin Coolidge's administration...between 1923 and 1929. His wife Grace Coolidge saw Lincoln standing in front of a window in the Oval Office. And then she saw the Lincoln Bedroom...A lot of other interesting personalities have seen Lincoln-- Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, they all claim they felt the presence of Lincoln. In fact, Winston Churchill refused to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom because the first time he was there, he saw Lincoln's ghost and I guess it scared the heck out of him." --Researcher John DeSalvo
C2C, 2009 02 12
Prophecy, Nostradamus, Obama
Prophecy scholar John Hogue discussed predictions for 2009, the future of the economy, the Obama administration, al-Qaeda threats, and the works of Nostradamus. In looking at the economy, we have to redefine depression— what we're experiencing is "an ulcer from within"-- a value system based on speculation that doesn't work. Like Lincoln, Obama will be reeling from one crisis to the next, all the way into his fourth year in office.
Treasury Sec. Geithner may not remain in the cabinet, and treasury secretaries could come and go, until Obama finds the right fit. Obama & Clinton will team, drawing comparisons to past Pres. & Sec. of State combos such as Nixon and Kissinger. The most dangerous situations of 2009 relate to land partitions made in 1947-- India/Pakistan and Israel/Palestine. Israel could move into a confrontation with Iran this year.
This is the year al-Qaeda will try another attack on the US, as Obama is a big threat. The date of the attack will likely have a 9 or 11. For the Lost Books of Nostradamus, Hogue doubts Nostradamus was the creator. Nostradamus had crippling arthritis and it's likely his son, a talented artist, made the illustrations.
"Something that's going to be a major theme in the coming Aquarian Age-- the final frontier is not space. The final frontier is the inner spaces of human consciousness, the brain, the full capacities of what we can do. And so much of that is retarded and suppressed by dogmatic views, both in science and religion, that things are a certain way, and not questioned. And the Aquarian Age is going to be about questioning all of that." --John Hogue
C2C, 2009 02 11
2012 & Mysteries
Filmmaker and scholar Jay Weidner spoke about 2012, prophecy plus mysteries surrounding the Georgia Guidestones and the Denver Airport. Interrelated prophecies point toward around 2012, a time of crucial change, connected with our sun. The decreasing heliosphere of the sun leaves Earth with less buffering from dangerous elements from outer space such as cosmic rays.
2012 is an alchemical moment for humanity to decide who or what it wants to be. Foreseen is a possibility for the populace to live in semi-rural conditions in a slowed down fashion connected via the Internet. A negative outcome would see society turned into a techno-fascist nightmare with robocops and cameras on every corner. People need to figure out how to manage in a world of increasing scarcity.
The Denver Airport appears to be connected to COG (continuity of government) with underground facilities that withstand a nuclear war. A gigantic tunnel system under the airport, with trains running to parts of America. Denver could be slated to become the capitol of a North American Union.
"Something downstream is so amazing that everyone had to inscribe it into stone, into prophecy, into calendars, into the I Ching... The I Ching also ends in 2012. In 2012 we have the transit of Venus which only happens once every 114 years, and we have a total eclipse of the sun in the Northern Hemisphere. It's an amazing year... we're going to be in a lot of turmoil, and we're going to be really examining ourselves." --Jay Weidner
C2C, 2009 01 27