Complot déjoué
Des terroristes visaient Toronto le 11 09: la Bourse de Toronto, l'édifice du SCRS et une base militaire. Depuis 2006, Saad Khalid et son groupe de 18 se préparaient. Ils sont arrêtés.
Objectif : affaiblir l'économie, nuir à Harper et aux FC en Afghanistan.
Métro, 2009 06 23
9-11 Truth
A practicing architect for 20 years, Richard Gage is the founding member of Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth. He discussed the destruction of three World Trade Center high-rises on 9-11, and why 700 architects and engineers found evidence for explosive controlled demolition, and are calling for an investigation. Lauded as an engineering feat when they were constructed, WTC Towers, according to official explanation, were said to collapse because of fires burning on the upper floors. Other high-rise buildings with hotter and longer fires never collapsed in this manner.
Des terroristes visaient Toronto le 11 09: la Bourse de Toronto, l'édifice du SCRS et une base militaire. Depuis 2006, Saad Khalid et son groupe de 18 se préparaient. Ils sont arrêtés.
Objectif : affaiblir l'économie, nuir à Harper et aux FC en Afghanistan.
Métro, 2009 06 23
9-11 Truth
A practicing architect for 20 years, Richard Gage is the founding member of Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth. He discussed the destruction of three World Trade Center high-rises on 9-11, and why 700 architects and engineers found evidence for explosive controlled demolition, and are calling for an investigation. Lauded as an engineering feat when they were constructed, WTC Towers, according to official explanation, were said to collapse because of fires burning on the upper floors. Other high-rise buildings with hotter and longer fires never collapsed in this manner.
In case of fire, if a building was to collapse, it would fall over and not straight down. This type of collapse indicated there was no resistance from structures below. The collapse of Building 7 was a curiosity, as fires seen in photos & videos were fairly small. Witnesses near Building 7 heard sounds of explosions, lending credence to the idea of controlled demolitions.
Evidence for controlled demolition of the Towers comes from a study by Dr. Steven Jones of pulverized dust that surrounded the area after the collapse. The material was found to have the chemical signature of thermite, created through nanotechnology, something military departments have been experimenting with in labs. Thermite might have been planted in the Tower's elevator columns during a lengthy modernization project that was begun 9 months prior to 9-11. He is calling for a new and independent investigation to uncover truth about events surrounding 9-11. He recommended signing the AE911 Truth Petition and visiting the NYC Coalition for Accountability Now site.
C2C, 2009 06 10
EMP Attack
Author William Forstchen outlined how an EMP (ElectroMagnetic Pulse) attack could be carried out on the US and the effects it would have. Detonating small fission bombs at various locations above the country would build up an electrostatic discharge in the atmosphere and knock out the power grid. Forstchen urged people to have emergency supplies on hand, band together with neighbors, and push for congressional action on this threat.
EMP Attack
Author William Forstchen outlined how an EMP (ElectroMagnetic Pulse) attack could be carried out on the US and the effects it would have. Detonating small fission bombs at various locations above the country would build up an electrostatic discharge in the atmosphere and knock out the power grid. Forstchen urged people to have emergency supplies on hand, band together with neighbors, and push for congressional action on this threat.
C2C, 2009 06 02
World War III
World War III
Political scientist and expert in relocation for personal security, Joel Skousen warned that WWIII is in the works for the United States, China, and Russia. One main purpose behind staging the conflict is to scare Americans into giving up sovereignty to a new global government.
The collapse of the Soviet Union was a deception. Heads of the Communist party went underground to become oligarchs. Russia plans a preemptive nuclear strike against America, by targeting cities: Long Beach, San Diego, Seattle, Colorado Springs, Kansas City, Amarillo, Norfolk, Jacksonville, Kings Bay, GA, Omaha, Washington D.C which all have military presence. A secret deal will be made with China, who'll betray Russia and attack them. A nuclear attack by North Korea, or uprising in former Soviet states will act as a trigger event, drawing the U.S. in, and setting the stage for the world war.
C2C, 2009 05 13
Government Mind Control
Government Mind Control
George Knapp was joined by former mind-control victim Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips, the former government employee who deprogrammed her. They discussed her surviving the MK Ultra program'Brien said that during her time in the program there was much torture and trauma deliberately and systematically used to turn her into a pliable human automaton. She was used for a number of nefarious deeds (sexual, criminal acts). High ranking politicians had a hand in her lengthy abuse.
Having been tipped off from his sources inside the intelligence community, Phillips used codes and keys to break O'Brien from her spell. Triggers included starting a conversation with the statement "This is God" and directing her to read Psalm 37:37 in the Bible. Phillips claimed that at the time of her rescue, O'Brien had no awareness of anything that happened to her and didn't know her name or age. They, with O'Brien's daughter Kelly, escaped to Alaska. It was there she felt safe for the first time which allowed her to remember the things she'd been tortured to forget.
O'Brien indicated that what compelled them to come forward with the story was a quest to find help for Kelly, who was a victim of the program, a modernized form of mind control (harmonic technologies). The technique is using sound frequencies to scar the brain and re-route the person's ability to think. This fragments the victim's mind in ways similar to earlier, more trauma-based methods. The technique is so invasive that Kelly has to make a complete recovery from abuse due to extensive damage to her brain stem.
C2C, 2009 04 27
Oil as Economic Warfare
Oil as Economic Warfare
Business and energy journalist Jim Norman argued that the United States manipulates the price of oil as a kind of economic weapon against countries such as Russia and China. In the futures exchange, an unlimited amount of money was used to overwhelm sellers of crude oil, as a way of running up the price. China is hurt by high oil prices much more than the United States, and has experienced reduced exports, closing of factories, and massive unreported unemployment.
The opposite technique, lowering oil prices, is wrecking the Russian economy. Russia has little besides natural resources, and the softening of the crude market could force regime change. The reason we went to war with Iraq was China. As sanctions were lifting in 2003, Saddam was going to cut a deal with China so they could acquire ownership of underground oil fields. The US sought to prevent this.
"In this oil price manipulation scheme the question becomes who in the government does this. Now, there's (...) the President's Working Group on Financial Markets, the (...) Plunge Protection Team, headed by the Sec. of the Treasury, the head of the SEC, Commodities Futures Trading Commission, Federal Reserve and on an ad hoc basis, it's also got the heads of the NYMEX, the New York Stock Exchange, the AMEX. This group is the economic warfare equivalent of the Joints Chiefs of Staff."
--Jim Norman
C2C, 2009 01 07
NDEs & Remote Viewing
NDEs & Remote Viewing
Neuroscientist and pediatrician Dr. Melvin Morse shared his research into Near-Death experiences (NDEs) and remote viewing. These phenomena, along with spiritual & paranormal experiences, stem from a type of non-local reality that exists beyond time and space. In one case, he resuscitated a girl who'd been underwater for 18 min. She remembers things even though her brain was completely non-functioning. 'I was floating over you and saw you on the phone talking to another doctor, saying what do we do now?' the girl told him after she was revived. That is what he'd said to the other doc.
Near-Death experiencers describe going into a loving light and learning lessons about their lives that tend to have a lasting impact upon their return. Morse described a kind of post-traumatic bliss syndrome for some who are able to relive the concept of being in the light. "I see pieces of the light in everything I see and do, so I don't mind waiting in line at the supermarket", one woman explained. NDE research shows spiritual experiences are part of our reality-- not something that's on the Other Side, 25% of the brain is dedicated to these experiences.
He detailed how Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) works. A subject is given a target number, then lets information stream into their mind. The process involves separating out mental noise, and reconstructing an image from the sensory input that comes from the non-local reality.
C2C,2009 05 21
Remote Viewing
Remote Viewing
Art Bell welcomed foremost remote viewing teacher Maj. Ed Dames, who discussed cases of his Matrix Intelligence Agency, and provided updates on past predictions.
Dames said a world food crisis is coming caused by a combination of increased population, plant disease and weather changes. Many of the changes seen in global weather patterns have been caused by our metastasizing the ozone layer. Expect a global economic collapse with a spread of H5N1 (bird flu). An outbreak could be soon, and full blown, it will spread across the planet in three months.
Dames talked about the strong solar flares that he sees hitting the planet in the future. Flares will shut down power grids, and take out satellites and cell phones. To survive in the aftermath of the coming events, Dames suggested people live in places with plenty of food and water, with like-minded individuals who will take care of each other.
Dames provided details about another major terror attack on the U.S., and spoke about World War III, started five years ago.
Remote viewing expert Major Ed Dames believes the Citigroup Center in NYC is targeted by a terrorist group. They are planning to employ a novel explosive technique to take down the building; its collapse could destroy or damage nearby structures. Dames' Agency will be working with the FBI in an attempt to interdict the planned attack.
C2C, 2008 05 23