Argent 2010 05 03
La dette des Canadiens atteint un sommet de 41 740$ par personne au pays en décembre 2009, un montant 2,5 fois supérieur à celui d'il y a 10 ans.
Argent 2010 05 11
Reshaping the Economy
Business development expert Richard Florida discussed patterns in U.S. history that drive economy and society, and how the country is heading into a reset or reshaping of the way we live and work. A current problem is that there are over 60 million people working at low-wage jobs such as in the service industry. We need to apply principles of quality management and high performance to jobs and make them more productive and efficient, and better paying. In five years, Florida sees the opportunity for society to do things differently, such as find new forms of infrastructure that speed the movement of people, goods, and ideas, and reinvent the education system to encourage children to be inventive and entrepreneurial. Housing should be rethought, with less emphasis on home ownership, and more on affordable rentals. People should determine what they really love or are passionate about and figure out a way to do it as an enterprise. It may start slow, and take awhile to develop. Realize that the best thing you can do is create something of your own. While new ideas and technology are important, execution and management tend to trump them in terms of getting a new business enterprise off the ground.
C2C 2010 05 06
400 000 emplois perdus depuis 10 2008. 159 000 créés depuis 07 2009.
Métro, 2010 03 15
La CDP a récupéré 11,8 des 40 G $ perdus.
Davie de Lévis licencie 1600 employés.
Air Canada supprime 1030 emplois au pays dont 500 à Montréal.
24 heures 26 02 2010
Shell ferme la raffinerie de Montréal-Est pour la convertir en terminal de stockage. 500 pertes d'emplois. Des mégaraffineries asiatiques produisent 800 000 barils/j au même coût que les 130 000 actuels produits ici. 16,25 cents dans la piastre donne 6,15 fois plus de marchandise. Une hausse des prix de l'essence est envisagée suite à la baisse de production québécoise.
Métro 8-10 01 2010
Air Canada mettra à pied 875 travailleurs.
24 heures 22 12 2009
GM supprimera 300 emplois permanents en Ontario suite à l'acquisition de Suzuki.
Métro 24 12 2009
GM supprimera 8300 emplois des filiales allemande et britannique d'Opel et Vauxhall et fermera l'usine belge d'Anvers.
Métro 4-6 12 2009
La coentreprise Air France-KLM et Delta Airlines fermera ses centres d'appels de Montréal. 280 emplois de moins.
Bombardier met à pied 715 employés de Mirabel. 4360 emplois, dont 1740 montréalais, sont perdus.
Rogers licencie 900 personnes au Canada sur 30 000.
Dubaï est en quasi-faillite. 6 mois sont demandés pour payer ses prêts de 60 G$US. La dette est de 80G.
Métro 27-29 11 2009
Une Israélienne a remplacé le matelas de sa mère. L'ancien cachait 1,1 M $. Décharges et dépotoirs cachent le trésor. Les banques traumatisaient la dame... son bas de laine la sécurisait faussement.
Preserving America's Sovereignty
Jerome Corsi, expert on political violence and terrorism, discussed how left and right promote policies detrimental to the future independence of the United States. As outlined in his book, America for Sale, there's a globalist agenda to install a one-world order or currency. Globalists, some of whom are investment bankers, don't cherish freedom and values in a free enterprise system, and have manipulated the economic collapse. Robert Mundell, the father of world currency, is a globalist who masterminded a plan to destroy the dollar.
America's sovereignty is being lost incrementally through NAFTA, and the Security and Prosperity Partnership. Decisions are made by a shadow government without congressional oversight. The US is bankrupt if you consider that there's a total of $65 trillion in debt from future obligations and social welfare. People speak out at town hall meetings and Tea Parties to protest the massive debt that will be handed down to children and grandchildren.
Americans can say no to a global new deal. The ability citizens have to be heard shouldn't be underestimated. He suggested (as advocated by Ron Paul) we close down or audit the Federal Reserve, as well as shut down the IRS, and create a structure that doesn't tax income, like the Fair Tax.
C2C, 2009 10 14
Looting of America
Ian Punnett interviewed Director of two non-profits, Les Leopold who discussed how Wall Street's casino-like practices which caused the first meltdown are back. Nothing has been done to protect U.S. taxpayers from another crash and bailout.
C2C, 2009 10 05
Economic Meltdown
In the Philippines, Art Bell, filling in for George Noory, was live.
Financial advisor Joe Meyer provided an update on the current and future economic meltdown. The rally in the stock market will end soon. The DJIA closed at 9665 on Friday, will go back down to 6470. If that number gets violated, the next stop could be 4123 and possibly even 2450 as a final panic bottom.
He predicted a second wave of home mortgage defaults when rates reset in 2010 and 2011. The next bubble to burst will be commercial real estate, which he anticipates will crash harder than the residential market. A projected 125,000 retail stores are expected to close in 2009 alone, leading to even more bank defaults and further job losses.
10 states have unemployment rates above 10%, but the true number is around 16-17%. He suggested setting up programs to put people to work in the public works sector, building and improving roads, bridges, ports, and other infrastructure. He talked about the end of the U.S. Dollar as a world reserve currency, the commodities bull market, and his recommendation that people buy precious metals, such as silver.
C2C, 2009 09 26
Nortel remerciera 400 employés. Avaya a acheté une division.
AbitibiBowater réduit ses effectifs (- 920) : 340 à Beaupré, 120 à Clermont, 75 à Fort Frances en ON, 85 en Alabama, 300 en Nouvelle-Écosse.
Métro 2009 09 18-20
23 700 G$ : Coût des dizaines de programmes gouvernementaux américains pour aider l'économie et le système financier lors de la crise économique. Il s'agit de dépenses directes et garanties (IEDM).
Métro 2009 08 31
Suite à une perte de 9 G$ (-25% de fonte des actifs) à la RRQ, une hausse de 1%+ des cotisations est envisagée. Les réserves devant être à 0 en 2050, le seront en 2037. Population vieillisante, crise économique et pertes de la CDP expliquent le tout. Relever le maximum des gains admissibles et une cotisation volontaire sont aussi proposés.
Métro 2009 08 28-30
In America, 3% of the population is wealthy (W), 27% is financially comfortable (FC).
But 54% are paycheck-to-paychecks (PTPs) and 15% are further-in-debtors (FIDs).
Jean Chatzky, The Difference, Ch. 1 Meet the Neighbors
Aux États-Unis, 2008 est l’an du 16e marché baissier depuis 1929 et le plus difficile depuis 1931 en devise locale. Du sommet du 9 octobre 2007 au creux de novembre 2008, l’indice S&P 500 s’est incliné de 52%.
Le S&P/TSX est monté à 15 073,73 le 18 juin et a clôturé à -33%. 2e pire performance. 2008 est l’an le plus difficile depuis 1931 (-37%). Le marché haussier de plus de 4 ans a fait doubler la valeur indicielle.
Depuis 1950, 65/106 jours de variation de ± 5% du S&P 500 sont de 2008.
30% des compagnies se transigent sous la valeur comptable.
Le Financier, Printemps 2009, Banque Nationale Groupe Financier
Hausse de 7% des saisies immobilières en juillet aux É.U.A. (360 000). 32% sur un an. 3e record en 5 mois. 1/335 ménage est affecté.
Métro 2009 08 14-16
France et Allemagne sortent de la récession avec un PIB en hausse de 0,3%.
Métro 2009 08 14-16
Quelqu'un verse un acompte de 25 000 $ sur une propriété de 100 000 $. Sa maison se déprécie de 15 000 $. En tenant compte des frais d'emprunt, le rendement est de -60%. Il paye toujours le prêt hypothécaire, les taxes foncières et l'entretien. Le placement immobilier est limitable à 10% du portefeuille global.
Métro 2009 08 13
Selon Flash Finances, la Chine est en reprise économique durable.
Métro 2009 08 04
Desjardins a près de 6 000 000 de membres et un actif de 150 G$. Plus grand groupe coopératif canadien.
La Chine est le premier créancier des É.U.A. et la principale détentrice mondiale d'obligations d'État. Les américains s'appuient sur ce pour financer leur dette de 12 000 G$ en 2009.
Métro, 2009 07 28
26,3 G$ de déficit budgétaire pour la Californie du gouverneur Schwarzenegger. État le plus peuplé des É.U. et 8e puisssance économique mondiale, le chômage y est de 11,6%.
24 heures, 2009 07 22
Crocs est en chute libre. La tendance tourne sur l'indestructible produit. 2000 emplois retranchés, 185,1 M $ de perte. De Québec vers Denver, la production s'est dirigée vers ces pays : Brésil, Mexique, Roumanie, Vietnam.
24 heures, 2009 07 17
Selon Realty Trac, 1,52 M de propriétés sont saisies sur 6 mois . 1/54 résidence. Malgré le plan Obama.
24 heures, 2009 07 17
Le G20 représente 90 % de la taille de l'économie mondiale. 90% des pays ne font pas partie de ce G20.
La Presse Affaires, 2009 06 09
BRP a licencié 1000+ employés, est allé chercher du financement et réduit 30% de sa production.
La Presse Affaires, 2009 06 09
Les millionnaires se contractent mondialement. 14,9 % de moins valent 1-30 M $. Cette baisse est la plus marquée depuis 1996. Le nantissement n'immunise pas.
Métro, 2009 06 25
Le Fonds de solidarité FTQ est un joueur économique incontournable. Fort d'un actif de 7,3 G$, il est le plus important fonds de travailleurs au Canada.
Et si nous cotisions plus pour devenir un grand peuple? Sans crainte. Pour réussir.
Métro, 2009 06 11
Le Bureau du surintendant des faillites enregistre 11 465 faillites canadiennes (+32,5% par rapport à 2008 04). Au Québec, 3349 faillites (+20,9%).
24 heures, 2009 06 05
HP abolira 5700 postes européens.
Le fabriquant de microprocesseurs américain Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) supprimera 1100 emplois en raison de la baisse des ventes d'ordinateurs individuels.
Les bénéfices du fabricant de microprocesseurs Intel sont tombés de 90% au 4e trimestre.
Le géant américain de l'Internet Google fermera 3 bureaux d'ingénierie et mettra à pied 100 agents de recrutement.
La chaîne américaine de détaillants de produits électroniques Circuit City (CC), sous la protection de la loi sur la faillite, liquidera ses actifs américains après une tentative d'entente avec ses créditeurs et prêteurs.
Le loueur de voitures Hertz supprimera 4000+ postes mondialement.
Une aide de 20G USD est accordée au Département du Trésor américain à la Bank of America. Les patrons sont certainement heureux...
Le géant bancaire américain Citigroup se scindera en deux. Perte nette de 8,29 G USD pour le 4e trimestre. 5e perte trimestrielle de suite.
Le géant pharmaceutique américain Pfizer licenciera 2400 des 8000 personnels commerciaux selon le Wall Street Journal.
Le secteur canadien des fonds communs de placement a subi une année 2008 désastreuse avec 792 M $ de rachats nets selon l'IFIC. Les pertes en capital diminueront les entrées monétaires gouvernementales. Les gens qui se retirent vers des fonds monétaires paieront de l'impôt sur les intérêts à 100 % imposables. Et tirent dans les pattes des gens qui restent dans les fonds communs d'actions ou d'obligations. Quoique quand le feu prend, les premiers sortis risquent de survivre. Mais ceux qui restent investis le font pour le futur imprévisible et parce qu'ils n'ont pas besoin de cet argent maintenant.
L'entreprise en technologie optique JDS Uniphase Canada a remis des avis de cessation d'emploi à 20 de ses employés d'Ottawa.
La société en commandite Petromont cesse les opérations de ses usines de Varennes et de Montréal-Est, au Québec, après suspension des activités des établissements pour une période indéfinie le 30 avril 2008. La décision touche 325 employés.
Le gouvernement du Québec a déposé un projet de loi qui prévoit que le gouvernement garantira les bénéfices prévus par les régimes de retraite des entreprises en faillite.
L'économie espagnole se contractera de 1,6% en 2009. Le chômage atteindra 16% de la population active selon le gouvernement., 2009 01 16
Microsoft supprimera 5000 emplois.
Yahoo! a licencié 1500 employés.
Métro, 2009 01 23
Pendant que le marché des capitaux est gelé par une crise financière mondiale sans précédent, le Fonds de solidarité FTQ a investi 730 M $ de liquidités/140 entreprises québécoises. Un catalyseur pour l'économie du Québec.
Le carnet d'actionnaire 2008-2009
Les tendances prédominantes des cinq dernières années se sont rapidement inversées. Ce qui augmentait se nommait : produits de base, marché boursier et dollars canadiens, marchés émergents alors que matériaux et énergie dopaient la Bourse au Canada comme d'antiques Nortel et .com. Du record de 15 073 (18 06 2008), le S&P/TSX est descendu à 8500 points. Le baril de pétrole est passé d'un prix record de 147,90 $ à 45 $. Le CAD était au pair face au USD mais a perdu 20 % depuis. La crise américaine des prêts hypothécaires à risque élevé a dégénéré en crise mondiale du crédit. Le marché boursier a suivi. Des institutions financières se sont endettées et empruntaient pour poursuivre le financement de leurs opérations insensées (poule pas de tête). Les taux d'intérêt ont baissé au Canada, aux É.U.A. et en Europe. L'effet des banques centrales ne s'est pas rapidement fait sentir. Entreprises et personnes ont de la dificulté à transiger un prêt. L'activité économique ralentit. Les États-Unis sont entrés en récession en 2007 12. En 2008 12, la Banque du Canada confirme notre récession. Les banques canadiennes sont parmi les plus solides malgré leur taille restreinte. Comme le pensait Benjamin Graham, les investisseurs futés achètent des actions comme des provisions en accroissant le stock quand les prix chûtent. Facile à dire mais pas à faire. Tête contre Coeur. Les Chinois le font!
Septembre et octobre 2008 sont faits de volatilité sans précédent pour les marchés de capitaux mondiaux. Dégonflement de la bulle mondiale du crédit, marchés boursiers en lourde baisse, marchés obligataires et des devises en pente descendante. Période traumatisante pour les investisseurs, consommateurs et sociétés. Des problèmes systémiques similaires sont survenus dans le passé de l'humanité.
Mackenzie Vision Hiver 2009
La Banque de Montréal ferme 107 petites succursales dans des supermarchés Safeway, Sobeys, A&P et IGA. 350 personnes quitteront leur emploi.
GM coupe 2000 emplois en Ontario.
Métro, 2009 01 27
Caterpillar, fabricant américain de matériel lourd de chantier et mines supprime 2110 emplois additionnels. 20 000 autres sont supprimés depuis des jours.
Métro, 2009 02 02
Chrysler sacrifie 3000 autres emplois aux États-Unis alors que GM licenciera 47 000 employés.
Métro, 2009 02 18
Selon l'Institut de la statistique du Québec, pour les mois de Janvier à Mars 2008, 1,4 % du revenu personnel disponible est placé, le plus faible taux d'épargne depuis 10 ans. En récession, c'est alarmant.
Selon Statistique Canada et les déclarations de revenus 2007, 6,3 M de cotisants au REER ont placé 34,1 G $. Seulement 6 % de la somme maximale. La cotisation médiane est de 2780 $.
Les revenus de placement 2007 sont déclarés par 8,9 M de personnes avec une valeur de 46,9 G $ selon Statistique Canada. La valeur médiane est passée de 530 à 610 $ entre 2006 et 2007.
Métro, Cahier spécial REER, 2009 02 18
Faillite de restos275 en 2007 et 336 en 2008.
14 000 restaurants au QC récoltent 10 G $.
4700 licenciements chez Embraer, Brésil.
Saisies immobilières+54% en Grande-Bretagne.
25 900 en 2007, 40 000 en 2008, 75 000 en 2009.
J. de Mtl, 2009 02 23
Ventes au détail canadiennesStatCan rapporte que l'économie nationale a perdu 5,4% en 12 2008. La plus importante diminution depuis 15 ans.
Les ventes automobiles ont reculé de 12,7% (-15,1% pour le neuf). Les ventes au détail ont fléchi de 1,8% en excluant l'automobile. Volume de ventes au détail : -4,1%.
Matériaux de construction, produits extérieurs de maison : -5,6%. Repli depuis 09 2008.
Vêtements et accessoires : -3,7%.
- 2,0% pour meubles, accessoires de maison, électronique, articles de sports, librairies.
La Chine se sortira de la récession en premierVentes automobiles : +4%.
Ventes au détail : +25%.
Les Chinois achètent ce que l'État n'exporte pas.
La Chine achète des ressources naturelles, des matières premières, des sociétés financières et ouvre de nouvelles mines.
Les réserves en devises étrangères sont de 2000 G$. Un fonds souverain vaut 200 G$ de plus.
Loïc Tassé, politologue à l'UdeM dit que les chinois achètent : pétrole, gaz, riz, blé pendant que les prix sont bas.
J. de Mtl, 2009 02 24
Nortel ajoute 3200 suppressions s'ajoutant aux 1800 emplois déjà soustraits.
RC, 2009 02 25
12 2008: 538 180 prestataires d'assurance-emploi au CA selon StatCan.
24 heures, 2009 02 25
The Economic DownturnIn a special program on the economy, financial experts and commentators offered analysis of the downturn.
Documentary filmmaker Alex Jones declared that the "world government" was staging an economic collapse so they can consolidate assets and then issue a new world currency directed by private banks. The silver lining is that the bailout plan might backfire on the New World Order.
Financial advisor Mish Shedlock commented we were in an economic "freefall" and that a lot of it was warranted because banks had been leveraged 12:1. He spoke against the US automotive bailout plan, as the money would only be a temporary fix.
Analyst Aubie Baltin predicted we'll see a depression by 2010. We've encroached on freedom to such an extent that capitalism is breaking down.
Author and radio host Andre Eggelletion said we are already seeing a depression in many parts of the U.S. The market will drop to 7200 (fait), and it'll be a 10-year minimum before order is restored.
Trends researcher Gerald Celente noted that most businesses are going to take big hits, particularly retail-- we'll start to see more closures and downsizing in February. Entrepreneurs can benefit in the downturn, as the collapse of Wall St. brings new opportunities to Main St.
"What did the sources say? They're going to run the market up to 14,000-- they did that-- to sucker people in, then they're going to pop the subprime mortgage bubble-- but that's only a pretext to then cut off liquidity. They got the American people and the world in debt-- they told us debt was the way to go; they told everyone to go out and get these loans and then they cut the blood supply off. So the economy is like a zombie, the blood is not flowing, it's basically dead, and that's what this small inter-group of banks needs to consolidate things. So they're flush in $5 trillion they've stolen in five weeks. They did a bait and switch." --Alex Jones
2008 11 20
The Federal Reserve is not federal, nor does it have any reserves. They exist beyond scrutiny, as no one ever audits them. --Jim Marrs
2008 11 25
Economic Meltdown & SolutionsFinancial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts discussed the economic crisis and possible solutions. $4 trillion has been pulled out of the economy and the big mystery is where did it go? At the core, we've experienced a financial coup d’état-- assets have been stripped out of communities in order to make people more dependent on Washington and centralized government. "We're watching the control and consolidation of cash flow.
"The Fed and Treasury are putting trillions back into the economy by printing money-- that isn't going to solve financial problems. The current bailout of Citibank is just enough to keep it going, but there's no assurance that'll be enough. These bailouts are like "steroids"—they're not building real economic value.
Fitts proposed a path back to economic vitality: People should put money into local economies and avoid investing in corrupt institutions. Networking with neighbors, embarking on DIY projects, and buying from local farmers are ways to enhance local wealth. She suggested young people be given a toolkit for concrete skills such as learning how to build homes and grow food. Wealth could be created by bringing forward energy and health technology that's been suppressed."What's not understood is we're paying an enormous tax in several ways. One is when you centralize capital whether through Wall St. or Washington in ways that are non-economic, you shrink total wealth. You centralize it so it goes up in the hands of a few, you end up with more billionaires. You're sending the blood to the toes and the fingers, and you're cutting it off from the hearts and the lungs of the economy ." --Fitts
2008 11 26
Des obstétriciens et des oncologues traitent des étrangers sans frais. Face au cancer, cela coûte entre 200 000 et 400 000$. Cette éthique québécoise fait de notre terre fertile une vache à lait pour les mal-pensants stratégiques devant la brèche.
Métro, 2009 02 18
Les autorités fédérales ont inculpé le milliardaire texan Allen Stanford pour fraude massive. La SEC affirme que Stanford a mis sur pied un programme frauduleux d'investissements pour 8 G $ promettant des taux d'intérêt élevés et non corroborés. Ses actifs et ceux de ses trois sociétés et entreprises (Stanford International Bank, Stanford Group, Stanford Capital Management) sont gelés.
24 heures, 2009 02 18
La fraude pyramidale de Madoff est de 64,8 G$. L'ancien patron du Nasdaq de 70 ans a victimisé des Juifs entre autres.
24 heures, 2009 03 13
Trends analyst Gerald CelenteThe Collapse of '09-- markets & businesses fail. Unemployment will reach over 20%.
The Greatest Depression-- worse than the 1930's depression. We need a productive capacity to bring us out. We can't keep creating more paper money.
Economic Slim-Fast-- A return to Yankee frugality. "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, do without."
C2C, 2009 01 01
Gerald Celente shared his dire economic outlook for the coming year. By February, there'll be major bankruptcies in the retail sector, leading into the collapse of the commercial real estate market that'll be worse than the problems with home mortgages. He sees a global depression taking hold in 2009, and protests by students and/or workers related to the economy coming in the Spring.
2008 12 18
Celente offered commentary on the economy. We'll start to see the Great Collapse of '09 beginning in February when a lot of retailers will go belly-up. There could be a run on banks in the U.S., in which the government will declare a bank holiday, limiting how much money a person could take out of their accounts.
2008 12 11
An Economic DownturnFinancial experts and commentators offered analysis of the downturn. Documentary filmmaker Alex Jones kicked off the show, declaring that the world government was staging an economic collapse so they can consolidate assets and then issue a new world currency directed by private banks. The silver lining was that the bailout plan might backfire on the New World Order.
Financial advisor Mish Shedlock commented we were in an economic freefall and that a lot of it was warranted because banks had been leveraged 12:1. He spoke against the US automotive bailout plan, as the money would only be a temporary fix for them. Analyst Aubie Baltin predicted we'll see a depression by 2010. We've encroached on freedom to such an extent that capitalism is breaking down.
Author and radio host Andre Eggelletion said we are already seeing a depression in many parts of the U.S. The market will drop to 7200, and it'll be a 10-year minimum before order is restored.
Celente noted that most businesses are going to take big hits, particularly retail-- we'll start to see more closures and downsizing in February. But entrepreneurs can benefit in the downturn, as the collapse of Wall St. brings new opportunities to Main St.
2008 11 19
Celente commented on the economy. The US auto industry, seeking a bailout, made poor choices on trends and innovations. Retail in general is going to be hit hard, and we'll see expanded job losses and closures after Christmas.
2008 11 12
Celente warned that the economic system is going to fail, and the euphoria surrounding Obama will fade by Feb./March, as reality sets in. By 2012, Celente believes there'll be a viable third party based around making financial changes.
Prophecy scholar John Hogue noted that Obama could be the great black king Nostradamus prophesied about. He could build an ecological industrial complex that will free us from dependence on foreign oil.
Financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts commented that Obama was still dependent on the failing machinery of the financial system, though he does favor a PAYGO philosophy. She argued for a decentralization of the system, beginning on a grassroots/local level.
2008 11 04
Celente commented on the ongoing financial crisis spreading across the globe.
2008 10 08
Celente reacted to the latest news on the bailout and stock market drop. He was pleased the American people's voice was heard in the House rejecting the $700 billion bailout plan. We're going to see failures beyond the financial sector, with retail sales tanking, and a real shrinking of the economy.
2008 09 29
The Global ConspiracyAuthor and lecturer David Icke discussed his work revealing the Global Conspiracy. Fear is the four letter word that controls the world, outlining how an elite transnational group at the top of a pyramid of control, secretly pulls strings. The current economic crisis with various bank and company failures allows the elite to further centralize their power, and quicken the rate of globalization.
These global elites, who come from ancient bloodlines, seek to create a world central bank, a single electronic currency, and a microchipped population to control. He described the scenario as a gigantic virtual reality computer game, with the elite ultimately controlled by a disembodied consciousness.
The period leading up to 2012 will be a crucial time, with an enormous vibrational change. People have the potential to wake up, fend off enslavement, and realize that the few cannot control the many.
Celente commented on the economy. The worst is yet to come, with the failure of giant retailers, banks, consumer product companies, and commercial real estate.
2008 09 17
Celente discussed the latest bank failures, and suggested the commercial real estate market will be the next shoe to drop, leading into the Crash of '09. A new Cold War with Russia could heat up to a World War by 2012.
2008 08 25
Celente noted that he'd warned of failing banks, and now we are starting to see that take place. He recommended keeping half of your money in euros through an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF). Saber rattling in connection with Iran is being used to divert attention away from the dire economic situation.
2008 07 14
Meltdown: Economy & OilLooking at issues surrounding oil & the economy, Celente was joined by investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts, and oil expert Matt Savinar.
The dollar has lost 41% of its value during the Bush administration, and we're going to see company failures so big they won't be able to be bailed out, like Bear Stearns, said Celente. He cited the Federal Reserve, which functions as a private company with no congressional oversight, as one of the major problems. Predicting food & gas riots, and tax revolts, Celente suggested diversifying savings among banks, if you have more than $100,000.
Catherine Austin Fitts commented that the demise of Bear Stearns may have been a hit job, cannibalized for the good of finance companies. There is an effort to centralize the economy and shift assets away from local communities. Fitts described these as economic warfare being conducted on a global scale that is fostered by technology and invisible weaponry, such as satellites. The US economy is purposely being pumped and dumped.
Matt Savinar said global oil supplies have plateaued, and with lessening oil reserves it becomes increasingly expensive to bring up the remaining oil. Prices will continue to skyrocket upwards as we enter the down side of peak oil. Tapping unused reserves in the United States and Canada will only postpone the problem for a short time, and the theory of abiotic oil is a kind of misinformation. The oil crisis is an economic 9-11, and we're going to see a crash worse than the Great Depression, Celente added.
2008 07 03
Celente discussed the dire economic situation in the U.S. After the election, interest rates will be raised and the dollar devaluated. We'll see massive bank failures, brought about by the banks having lent money to leveraged buy-out groups.
2008 06 26
Celente shared an update. The next eight years are going to be an era of dragflation,-- people and the economy will be dragged down and we'll see the demise of Empire America. Data about inflation is manipulated to not give a true picture.
2008 04 28
Celente reacted to the engineered takeover of Bear Stearns Cos., calling it the St. Patrick's Day Massacre. The Federal Reserve is sacrificing the value of the dollar to bail out friends, and this is the start of the economic 9-11 he's predicted for 2008. We're going to go through an inflationary cycle like never before.
2008 03 17
Celente said we are heading into a global economic meltdown and inflationary spiral, noting that the price of oil rose $5 a barrel in one day.
Agribusiness won't be able to afford to ship foods long distances, so there'll be more of an emphasis on buying local. This downturn will be worse than the Great Depression, and crime (kidnappings, robberies) will be on the rise.
2008 03 05
Gerald Celente TranscriptTrendcaster GC was a guest in Streamlink's Live Chat for a one hour discussion on economic collapse and future trends. Below are excerpts from the Q & A.
Greetings from Cincinnati. Your thoughts on our current inflationary mess?
Look at prices of oil and the basket of commodities ... record levels. It's a simple formula ... the more the $ is devalued, the more everything costs. This is just the beginning. We ... and most of the world will experience an inflationary cycle as never before.
Mr. Celente, which event or trend in 2008 will have a significant impact or change on America - for better or worse over the next few years?
The Panic of '08. We forecast that the economic future will be worse than the Great Depression ... failing banks, brokerages, cities default ...
Can you give us insight as to whether or not we will remain a free market or will we be facing martial law?
Anything is possible ... If there is a terrorist attack or massive riots from an economic downturn ... as there were during the Depression, there could well be martial law. Also, we could see, as they did with the 1933 Emergency Banking Act, citizens forced to return their gold to the gov't.
Stark Raving
Gerald, thank you for this opportunity to chat. How do things look to you now vs. at the beginning of the year when your dire forecasts gained attention?
Current events form future trends. Look at the data between yesterday and today. The $ is at record lows against the euro. Oil $101, consumer confidence at five year lows, wholesale inflation up 7.4 percent. Home prices fell in Jan. to the lowest level since records began nine years ago ... it will all get much worse.
Government growth on all 3 levels seems to be growing at an unabated pace; how can this top heavy extortion of national wealth and liberty continue? Do you see major domestic unrest ahead?
You're correct ... gov't jobs are among the fastest growing field. There will be a retrenchment. Yes, we'll see tax protests, riots and unrest. Also, violent crime will be on the rise as well.
Green Tara
Mr. Celente, my question for you is, how do you see the Green or Eco movement going in America? It's starting to become more and more discussed, do you think it will ever become mainstream?
We call it the smart movement ... not green. This is going to one of the largest growth oppt'ys for decades ... "Conservation Engineers" ... Yankee frugality.
What would be the best career choice for college students?
Anything having to do with health care ... still oppty's in tech ... "green" is going to be really big ...
What can one person do to try and keep their neck above water in these kinds of times?
Don't buy a damn thing you don't need. Look for new opportunities by looking beyond the mainstream think. Local goods produced ... "clean foods", micro farming ... herbal remedies ... etc.
Gerald, the banking system seems to be very fragile due to the sub-prime mess. Do you expect the government to intervene as in England?
Yes ... get ready for some big crashes ... the more they bail them out, the more it costs us. There is a defacto devaluation of the $. The more they print, the cheaper it becomes. And they will print hundreds of billions to bail out banks.
What's the next commodity to move now that gold is so high?
It appears to be grains ... but gold has a long way to go. Accounting for inflation, it's $875 per ounce price in 1980 = over $2000 today. And today is much worse than 1980 ... I was trading gold back then as well and the conditions are much, much worse now for many reasons that I don't have the time to illustrate now ... i.e. back then there was no China, India or Russia in the markets competing for the metal on the exchanges.
Please don't forget that if Martial Law is declared, not only our gold will be taken, so will our guns, food, medicine, supplies … pretty much anything that could help us survive on our own without the help of the government.
You could be right ... but there are also counter movements, such as secessionist movements in Vermont etc... As the man said, "Now is the time for all good men (and women) to come to the aid of their country." When people understand they have power, they won't bend to political forces.
Following up. What kind of defensive position should we take personally and financially? Gold is a no brainer ... but what about food storage ... retiring to rural areas ... gaining self-sufficiency to the degree we can. Are these things we need to attend to now ... this year? I'm trying to get your deeply researched 'sense' of how fast things can get chaotic.
Plan now for the worst. I like small towns that have a self sufficient environment. That's why I live where I do (Upstate NY). Local farms and producers of just about everything I need. Also, think about an escape plan i.e. terrorism. When 9/11 happened I was prepared ... since I'd been writing about it happening for years ("2001 won't be our year, trend seer says," USA Today 14 Dec. 2000.) It costs nothing to be prepared. We don't provide financial advice, but we forecast that the Swiss franc will continue to strengthen against the $.
Would you recommend that people move out of the big cities and into a rural environment?
I'm originally a Bronx guy and have lived in cities for many years ... Now I live in a small town and have made investments in Kingston, NY ... the first capital of NY ... to me, it's the ideal model of what used to be great ... walking distance to much of what you need ... neighborhoods etc... There will be a big move to small towns ... especially as crime increases.
C2C, 2008 03 02
Trendcaster Celente commented on the recent fall of world financial markets. There is more debt worldwide than money to cover the bets. Back in December, he'd predicted the Panic of '08, an economic 9-11 worse than the Great Depression.
2008 01 21
Predictions Special: 2008Kicking off the New Year, Ian Punnett hosted Coast to Coast AM's annual prediction show featuring psychics and prognosticators sharing what they see coming in 2008. In order of guests' appearances, here are highlights:
- Trendcaster Gerald Celente: 2008 will bring an economic 9-11 in which big financial firms are going to collapse from the top down.
As greed and corruption are seeped out, there will be great opportunities for entrepreneurs to move into the failing system.
With the rise in food prices and property taxes, people can no longer afford things, and will revolt against the current tax system.
- Web bot analyst George Ure: The catastrophic collapse of the dollar will ignite a global meltdown.
- Paul Guercio of the Merlin Project: On the Democratic side, John Edwards and Barack Obama are the two likely candidates.
Global terrorism is going to make a "major comeback."
- Numerologist Glynis McCants: The 2008 World Number Cycle is a 1 (2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1). Everyone is impacted by this number but those with ambition and drive are to succeed.
Competition comes to the forefront, and it's helpful to write down goals.
The date of 8/8/08 will be noteworthy for something unusual, possibly of a political nature, occurring at the Olympics in China.
- Intuitive Sean David Morton: Entering a 1 year emphasizes our will, imagination and a reaffirmation of our sense of self and personal power.
The dollar will strengthen but the stock market will slowly deflate, heading down towards 8,000 - 9,000.
There will be more investment in the United States.
The film industry will shoot more in the US and the writer's strike will end in the first half of April.
The elite on the inside are terrified of Ron Paul's candidacy. He may end up running for the governor of Texas.
- Astrologer Mark Lerner: A triangular pattern of Jupiter and Saturn represents opportunities and potential for financial advancement. The week or two before the dates of Jan. 21, Sept. 8th, and Nov. 21 has particular momentum in that regard.
The Federal Reserve could be entering a dangerous situation due to the positioning of Pluto.
The dollar will continue to crumble and investments in gold and commodities are advised.
2008 01 01
Celente checked in. Though we may be entering a cultural American renaissance, we are in the midst of a recessionary period not unlike the late 70's-- investing in precious metals such as gold is good insurance.
2007 04 12
Predictions Special 2007In our New Year's Day Special, George Noory welcomed guests who shared predictions for 2007. In order of appearance, here are highlights:
- Psychic Joseph Jacobs: 2007 will be a heavy year with casualties as a result of war, climate and terrorism.
Jan. 31st through March 24th, the US economy will hit a wall as well as in September and October. Florida will have problems during Sept/Oct. Japan could have water problems such as a tsunami during the May 15th through Oct. 17th period. China could show a belligerent side involving military activity from the end of February through April 1st. Info about UFOs will be revealed in 2007.
- Paul Guercio and Dr. George Hart of the Merlin Project: Russia will be making a resurgence; China can dictate the strength of the U.S. dollar. The lull in terrorism will change in 2007. John Edwards (with Barack Obama as his VP), Gov. Mitt Romney, and Mike Bloomberg (running under a third-party) are Presidential candidates in the '08 race. Hillary Clinton's campaign will collapse.
- Numerologist Glynis McCants: 2007, a 9 year, is about true communication. It's a better year to talk things through than 2006, with accountability.
- Seer and astropsychologist Dr. Louis Turi: 2007 will be one of the most shocking years for natural disasters, quakes and volcanoes. Devastating earthquakes in the US/Asia in February and August 2007. Scary news concerning US nuclear plants will arise, with a possible accident. Airlines will merge, as well as TV networks. A new bacterial disease will hit in March. Children will be more susceptible to negative forces and illnesses. An increase in heart attacks will occur, triggering new surgical & medical treatments. Specific dates of concern for January: Jan. 3rd-- shocking bad news, Jan. 12th, Jan. 19th. Specific dates of concern for February: Feb. 1st/ 9th/ 17th/ & 28th.
- Intuitive Sean David Morton: 2007 will see a great division between people listening to their inner voice and those that don't. The Dow Jones will go over 13,000 but this is being driven by only 30 companies that are merging and buying each other. This is not a good thing for the economy. It will precede a global collapse. The US inflation rate will hit 20-25%. After the US dollar is devalued, the Amero, a currency for use in the US, Canada and Mexico will be introduced.
- Celente: Medical Tourism in which Americans are increasingly going overseas for medical treatment (dental and plastic surgery) will continue to grow this year. There are entrepreneurial opportunities for Americans in China, which still looks towards the US for innovation. An Internet candidate for President could rise to prominence in 2007.
2007 01 01
Founder of the Trends Research Institute, Celente, talked about the economy in 2004, clean food trends, the terrorism outlook.
2004 01 18
"We're all architects of our future because of decisions we've made along the way," said Celente. He described himself as a political atheist who sees the possibility of either a renaissance or a decline in America's future. He believes the U.S. economy would be hugely impacted by another terrorist attack and that the nation still hasn't recovered economically from 9-11. Missing weapons of mass destruction from the former Soviet Union, which may have been sold on the black market, could be used in such an attack. "I don't call it terrorism, I call it warfare. I think we're going to go to a global age where people redefine their purpose," and the United States with its great diversity and freedom could be the epicenter of such change. Other forecasts were the continued growth of the health field, the dark horse candidacy of Howard Dean potentially taking hold in the 2004 election, and the eventual move to a new form of alternative energy.
Middle Class Revolt?Celente, believes there could be a middle class revolt brewing in the near future of the United States. Last year, when I interviewed him for After Dark, he told that a mounting dissatisfaction of the populace could boil over into a widespread protest, that would cut across all ages and ethnicities.
"They were the jobless Gen X-ers, the tax protestors, retirees with devalued pensions, the underemployed, the working poor, the downsized and out, the aware and the unbuffaloed from every state of society. It should have come as no surprise when the 90% of the nation who said they wanted change, demanded change," writes Celente in his book Trends 2000.
"The country has been hijacked from us," Celente told, commenting that people increasingly view our two-party political system as actually a one party system, offering no choice. While the recent anti-war movement had strong numbers, it's hard to imagine how a more massive revolt could get rolling. "The pain hasn't set in yet. All of a sudden we're starting to read about the 68-70 year olds who have to go back to work because pensions have been lost. We're not in the heat of a political race right now. It's an in-between time; the denial is still rampant. But all we need is a catalyzing factor and (it) will happen. It's hard to tell. It may be a war, it may be an environmental disaster, it may be an economic depression."
2003 07 15
Celente is well respected for his track record of picking business, consumer, political, and economic trends before they come to pass. It is his job to see the future and understand how the issues and events of today will determine the trends of tomorrow.
2002 07 09
Global Financial CrisisFinancial advisor David Smick analysed the global financial predicament. The economic crisis goes beyond the subprime loan/mortgage implosion-- it reveals problems in our financial architecture, and a lack of trust in institutions. We look at a "perfect storm" of financial trouble, with the bursting of as many as eight other bubbles, including the commercial real estate market, adding up to a loss of $200 trillion.
We allowed the leveraging of financial institutions to get out of hand-- government regulators were "asleep at the switch". European countries and other nations are likely in a worse situation than America since they are export dependent, and exports are dropping off. European banks are exposed to Emerging Market debt. The civil unrest and chaos in Greece, fueled by unemployed youth, could spread to Spain, Italy and France.
Innovation and risk taking are drying up because of the lack of capital. Obama's stimulus plan could end up creating a "debt bomb" and may not employ many of the laid off white collar workers. Banks in the U.S. may have to be nationalized to deal with the crisis.
On this day in 1128, the military order Knights Templar was granted a papal sanction, declared to be an army of God by Pope Honorius II., 2009 01 13
Voir si une banque échoue via
Le Zimbabwe met en circulation un billet de 100 trillions. Hyperinflation. 100 000 000 000 000 = 30 USD max. L'inflation sur un an est de 231 M % en 07 2008.
Ben Shalom Bernanke exige un 2e plan de relance de 350 G USD.
2009 01 17
J. de Mtl
Pronostics du FMISelon le Fonds monétaire international (FMI), la croissance mondiale sera de 0,5 % en 2009, taux le plus bas depuis la 2e Grande Guerre.
En octobre 2008, on prévoyait 2,2 %.
51 M d'emplois seraient perdus selon l'Organisation internationale du travail.
La reprise viendra en 2010 avec 1,1 % dans les pays développés.
Métro, 2009 01 29
Eastman Kodak supprimera 4000 ± 500 emplois.
Métro, 2009 01 30
Le 15 septembre 2007, Keith Farrand, gestionnaire de portefeuilles chez Claret craignait la récession. Pessimiste face aux marchés boursiers mondiaux, il disait "La tendance à la baisse va se poursuivre". Le problème des prêts hypothécaires risqués consentis par les américains a contaminé le reste de l'économie. Endettés, les consommateurs américains réduisent leurs dépenses. L'immobilier est un secteur touché parmi d'autres. Il croyait que la récession américaine surviendrait entre 1,5 et 2 ans. 3 mois plus tard, c'était fait. Les cycles économiques sont de 7-8 ans. La dernière récession US est celle de 2001-2. Par ricochet, le Canada est affecté par ses exportations. QC et ON sont plus touchés que AB et TN-L (dans un boom pétrolier).
J. de Mtl, Votre argent, 2009 02 06
Bombardier supprime 1360 postes à Montréal, Wichita et Belfast.
Désigner un successeur ou un bénéficiaire au CÉLI
Avant d'enregistrer le compte, il importe de connaitre la différence et de savoir si la province dans laquelle vous résidez actuellement permet de désigner.
- Nunavut = Non permis à l'heure actuelle
La province suivante n'offre pas cette option :
- Québec = Non permis
Distinction sociétale.
REER ou CELICELILe CELI complémente le REER. Efficace pour mettre de l’argent de côté pour les projets à plus court terme qu’une retraite. Contrairement au REER, l’argent investi dans un CELI ne peut être déduit du revenu imposable quand vient le temps de remplir sa déclaration fiscale (payer l’impôt sur ces sommes l’année de l’investissement). Capital et intérêts sont libres d’impôt lorsque retirés. Outil idéal pour investir et retirer pendant que l’on travaille.
Plafond de cotisation : 5 000 $ pour 2009 (montant indexé à venir). Les montants inutilisés sont reportés.
Date limite : 31 décembre de l’année en cours. Pour l’année financière 2009, investir dans un CELI avant le 31 12 2009. Les cotisations inutilisées sont reportées à l’année suivante et le capital investi n’est pas déduit du revenu imposable.
Pour quiconque veut investir davantage en vue de sa retraite. Ou pour du court terme (pour une maison ou voyager).
Un CELI peut être mis en garantie pour contracter un prêt.
Aucune incidence des retraits sur les programmes sociaux. Le montant retiré d’un CELI n’influe en rien sur le revenu imposable (l’impôt sur le capital est payé au moment de l’investissement) et n’a aucun impact sur les programmes sociaux.
Aucune échéance.
REEROutil de prédilection pour planifier ses vieux jours, le REER reporte à la retraite ou au moment de retirer son épargne les impôts sur l’argent investi et les intérêts. Très avantageux. Les taux d’imposition sont plus bas à la retraite où les revenus sont moins élevés que pendant la vie active.
Plafond de cotisation : 18 % du revenu gagné l’année précédente, jusqu’à 21 000 $ pour 2009. Les montants inutilisés sont reportés.
Où investir : Dans les placements garantis à taux fixes (bons d’épargne), les placements risqués liés au marché (actions) ou les hybrides, avec un capital garanti et un rendement lié au marché.
Date limite : Le dernier jour du mois de février de l’année suivante.
Pour quiconque souhaite une retraite plus confortable que celle offerte par la RRQ et pour ceux qui ne sont pas adeptes de la simplicité volontaire.
Pas de mise en garantie pour contracter un prêt. Les REER étant protégés en cas de faillite depuis juillet 2008, une banque refuse de les mettre en garantie pour prêter.
Incidence des retraits sur les programmes sociaux : L’argent retiré d’un REER s’ajoute au revenu imposable, ce qui diminue des prestations comme les chèques de TPS.
Échéance : À partir de 71 ans, il n’est plus possible d’investir dans un REER. Commencer alors à retirer l’argent.
Maxime Johnson. Jobboom, 2009 02
CÉLI – TFSA, 2009 01 01Le CÉLI, compte d'épargne libre d'impôt, ne discrimine pas comme le REÉR. Toutes les classes sociales sont incluses et ce, indépendamment du revenu gagné.
Sera indexé par tranches de 500 $ au taux d'inflation.
Perte en capital non déductible.
Admissible pour ristourne de la Caisse.
2009 01 11
Le taux d'épargne au CA est à 3 % en 2008, mais était de 20 %+ au début des années 1980.
J. de Mtl & Desjardins
Le CÉLI démarre à la vitesse grand V. Des institutions financières comparent l’achalandage et l’engouement pour le CELI à une semaine de février en campagne REÉR. Chez ING direct, 200 000 personnes ouvrent un CÉLI et ING engrange 1 G $. Desjardins a plus de 100 000 comptes. Pour un plafond annuel de 5000$ par personne de 18 ans+, on dépose environ 4000$.
Les grandes institutions financières dirigent leur mise en marché vers les CPG ou comptes d’épargne. Avec des taux fermés de 3 ou 4%, elles remplissent leurs coffres.
Est-ce à l’avantage du client de souscrire un CÉLI dans un CPG fermé de 5 ans? Criterion, offrant des fonds environnementaux, juge que dans le contexte actuel, les CPG cachent des risques. Mark Noble de démontre que les faibles valeurs boursières représentent une occasion.
Un tiens vaut mieux que deux tu l’auras. On persiste à vendre des actions pour les ans à venir.
2009 01 16
A Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) shelters investments from tax. $5,000 in a 5% GIC and a 40% taxation rate will yield 47% more than a regular account in 20 years. Contributing $5,000 annually will deliver $35,000 more. For $5,000, Year 1, gain $100 more, Year 5 $585, Year 10 $1,424, Year 20 $4,235.
Predictable. Profitable. Secure.
2009 01 20
24 heures, 2009 06 05
HP abolira 5700 postes européens.
Le total sera de 6400 suppressions mondiales en 2009-10.
J. de Mtl, 2009 05 30
GM tente de persuader les détenteurs d'obligations de renoncer à 27 G USD pour échanger ce dû contre 10% de participation à l'entreprise.
GM tente de persuader les détenteurs d'obligations de renoncer à 27 G USD pour échanger ce dû contre 10% de participation à l'entreprise.
Métro, 2009 05 22-24
GM ferme 245 points de vente au CA (10 000 emplois) dont 70 au QC (3000 emplois).
250 selon 24 heures. Critères pour larguer : nombre de véhicules vendus, proximité géographique entre deux concessionnaires, satisfaction de la clientèle, situation financière.
Métro, 2009 05 21
CAE licencie 700 employés.
L'usine GM d'Oshawa a fermé ses portes.
Chrysler ferme 789 concessionnaires américains.
Métro, 2009 05 15-18
Chrysler se place sous la protection de la loi sur les faillites aux É.U.
Métro, 2009 05 01-03
Starbucks annonce des profits qui chûtent de 77% au 2e trimestre. 120+ cafés sont fermés.
Métro, 2009 04 30
39,4 % du salaire du ménage est mobilisé pour le bungalow au Québec. 70,3 % à Vancouver.
Métro, 2009 04 17-19
275 mises à pied chez Alcoa de Bécancour.
Métro, 2009 04 10-13
1800 pertes d'emplois chez QIT-Fer et Titane, filiale de Rio Tinto.
Métro, 2009 04 07
800 emplois supprimés à Radio-CanadaÉlimination de 800 postes à temps plein au sein de la société d'État : 335 au réseau français, 400 au réseau anglais, 70 dans des composantes de Radio-Canada.
Radio-Canada a un manque à gagner de 171 M $ en pub.
Les collaborateurs privés contractuels de production sentiront les compressions.
La société d'État mettra en place un programme d'incitatifs à la retraite et vendra 125 millions de dollars d'actifs, transaction sujette à l'approbation gouvernementale., 2009 03 25
Chômage6,9 M d'emplois perdus aux É.U.
GM ferme 245 points de vente au CA (10 000 emplois) dont 70 au QC (3000 emplois).
250 selon 24 heures. Critères pour larguer : nombre de véhicules vendus, proximité géographique entre deux concessionnaires, satisfaction de la clientèle, situation financière.
Métro, 2009 05 21
CAE licencie 700 employés.
L'usine GM d'Oshawa a fermé ses portes.
Chrysler ferme 789 concessionnaires américains.
Métro, 2009 05 15-18
Chrysler se place sous la protection de la loi sur les faillites aux É.U.
Métro, 2009 05 01-03
Starbucks annonce des profits qui chûtent de 77% au 2e trimestre. 120+ cafés sont fermés.
Métro, 2009 04 30
39,4 % du salaire du ménage est mobilisé pour le bungalow au Québec. 70,3 % à Vancouver.
Métro, 2009 04 17-19
275 mises à pied chez Alcoa de Bécancour.
Métro, 2009 04 10-13
1800 pertes d'emplois chez QIT-Fer et Titane, filiale de Rio Tinto.
Métro, 2009 04 07
800 emplois supprimés à Radio-CanadaÉlimination de 800 postes à temps plein au sein de la société d'État : 335 au réseau français, 400 au réseau anglais, 70 dans des composantes de Radio-Canada.
Radio-Canada a un manque à gagner de 171 M $ en pub.
Les collaborateurs privés contractuels de production sentiront les compressions.
La société d'État mettra en place un programme d'incitatifs à la retraite et vendra 125 millions de dollars d'actifs, transaction sujette à l'approbation gouvernementale., 2009 03 25
Chômage6,9 M d'emplois perdus aux É.U.
Métro 2009 09 16
L'économie américaine se contracte de 5,5% au 1er trimestre 2009 contre 6,3% en fin 2008, le pire en 25 ans. 627 000 nouveaux chômeurs/semaine, 15 000 de plus en une semaine.
Métro, 2009 06 26-28
6,7 M de chômeurs américains.
Métro, 2009 05 22-24
6,13 M de chômeurs américains.
Métro, 2009 04 24-26
5,84 M américains chôment.
Métro, 2009 04 10-13
5,73 M de chômeurs américains.
3000 mises à pied chez Bombardier Aéronautique. Avec un profit historique de 1 G USD, Bombardier comprime 1030 postes à Montréal et 475 à Toronto. Le reste est en Irlande, É.U. et Mexique. En février 2009, 1360 employés, dont 710 à Montréal ont été licenciés.
3,6 M en Espagne, le double des 27 pays de l'Union européenne.
Métro, 2009 04 03-05
Il y a 5,47 M de chômeurs aux É.U.
Métro, 2009 03 20-22
5,3 M chômeurs aux É.U.A. selon le Département américain du travail.
Métro, 2009 03 13-15
5,1 M de chômeurs américains. Pire que 1967.
Métro, 2009 02 27-03-01
Il y a 4,8 M chômeurs américains. 626 000 de plus qu'en janvier. Le plus haut niveau en 26 ans selon le département américain du Travail.
Métro, 2009 02 06-08
BonusEdward Liddy, PDG d'AIG, est tenu légalement de verser les primes à des employés. On attend une remise d'au moins la moitié des 220 M$US. Après une aide de 170G pour éviter la faillite, 80% de la compagnie est étatisée.
Fannie Mae, créditeur immobilier, versera des primes de 611 000 $US à des dirigeants. Freddie Mac ferait de même.
La Réserve fédérale américaine achètera 300G$ d'obligations du Trésor américain pour abaisser le taux d'intérêt.
Selon l'Association canadienne de l'immeuble (ACI), le prix moyen des immeubles s'est abaissé en février 2009 à 281 972$. En CB, AB et ON, la demande s'affaiblit le plus. Au QC, les prix montent de 1,6% et atteignent 207 927$.
Le Pr Léo-Paul Lauzon rapporte que depuis 25 ans, la classe moyenne des É.U.A. s'appauvrit. Le revenu annuel a diminué de 1175 $US depuis 2000 mais les dépenses courantes grimpent à 4655$. 1% des Américains riches détiennent 23% de la richesse nationale, contre 10% en 1980. Une minorité s'accapare les avoirs. En 3 h, un dirigeant gagne le salaire annuel minimum. La santé privatisée entraîne des faillites. 40%+ ne paient pas les primes d'assurance. Baisses d'impôt et abris fiscaux ne profitent pas à la classe moyenne.
Métro, 2009 03 19
Money, the Greatest HoaxAbout 25 years ago, I had the opportunity of meeting an elderly gentleman who lived through the collapse of the German Reichmark and subsequent hyperinflation during the 1920s. He shared how Germany was a prosperous country until politicians removed the gold-backing from its currency in 1914 to finance the war.
1 German Reichmark equaled 4 U.S. dollars. Four years later Germany lost the war, and by 1923 the exchange rate soared to 1 trillion marks to 1 U.S. dollar.
Why didn't the German government act to slow inflation? It was a shaky, fragile government, especially after the assassination of Walter Rathenau, the foreign minister. More than inflation, the Germans feared unemployment. Inflation kept everyone working, so the printing presses continued to run. Doesn't that sound familiar?
As the gentleman explained, by late 1923, inflation was so severe he was being paid up to three times a day. His wife would meet him at work, take the money and run to the shops to exchange it for food, clothes, soap. Anything valued. It took a wheel barrow full of money to buy anything. A loaf of bread cost 200 billion marks.
Germany is not the only country in which we can draw experience from. Hyperinflation scenarios occurred in Rome between 218 and 268 A.D. and in France in the 1780s after currencies were debased. Zimbabwe too. Thomas Jefferson warned of impeding disaster when he said: "I believe banking institutions are more dangerous to liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around banks will deprive people of property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
In the past months, the Federal Reserve and politicians have turned up the printing presses to bail out banks, mortgage companies and car manufacturers. It's obvious we have not learned from history and are doomed to repeat the hyperinflation scenario.
Learn from history on the predicted disastrous state of the U.S. economy. The U.S. dollar hasn't got much time left. You need to act right now to protect your family's well being and financial future from this potential meltdown.
Millions of Germans lost fortunes and did not understand how it had happened, or who to blame. The savvy few who understood history protected their families, wealth and assets. They thrived financially.
The startling and sometimes corrupt history of U.S. money is becoming a fact.
Never look at a dollar bill the same way again.
"If we don't learn from our history, we're doomed to repeat it."
—George Washington
The Bob Livingston Letter
Personal Liberty Alert
2009 03 18
Economic DownturnArt Bell was joined by Wall St. insider Michael J. Panzner, who discussed the dire economic circumstances in America and around the globe. The U.S. is not in a typical recession. The crisis more closely resembles a depression, in which we can expect an extended period of economic contraction accompanied by deflation.
The largest players in our banking system are insolvent. Their situation was brought on by: exposure to trillions of dollars of mortgage backed securities, derivatives, and default swaps. Bailouts and stimulus packages will postpone the inevitable, not resolve the nation's financial troubles. "What got us here, decades of excesses, of imbalances, you can't just stop them by saying, 'OK, we're determined and we're going to think positive'".
Our currency will continue to be devalued by the ongoing printing press policies of our government. Expect an inflationary environment. Real estate prices will fall further, not reaching final lows until 2012 at the earliest. There will be multiple lurches down in the stock market. The DOW might fall by as much as 75% from its current level. The retail sector could be wiped out as the religion of consumerism seems to be dying. Panzner foresees the U.S. breaking apart, conflict with Mexico, and another world war.
Parts of the country will become suburban wastelands due to water and energy issues. Adjust attitudes and lifestyles accordingly, and accept the reality that the current economic downturn is not short term -- it's the new norm. Pay down debt and live within your means. Investors, look at precious metals like gold, silver, platinum.
C2C, 2009 02 21
Achat de propriété aux É.U.?Une réduction du prix d'achat de 40 % semble alléchant, mais... L'argent canadien n'est plus au pair.
Un résident canadien qui n'a pas la citoyenneté américaine peut avoir une résidence permanente en sol américain. Mais cela implique la renonciation au statut de résident canadien. Comme aller travailler à sauver de l'impôt aux Bahamas. Les biens canadiens sont calculés à leur juste valeur marchande pour déterminer le gain en capital imposable au départ du pays. Entrent alors en jeu les règles fiscales américaines.
Un résident américain présumé a quant à lui une résidence secondaire en passant le test des 183 jours sur les derniers 3 ans.
Louer sa propriété implique que le locataire ou vous payez 30% mensuellement du montant brut aux autorités américaines. Un résident canadien est imposable au Canada et reçoit un crédit pour imposition étrangère. Un gain en capital réalisé est imposé jusqu'à 15%. Le notaire remet 10% du prix de vente aux américains dans un acompte provisionnel. Au Canada, présenter 50% de ce gain avec un crédit pour impôt étranger.
3 paliers d'imposition sont possibles : État, Comté, Ville.
Pensez aux droits successoraux américains advenant votre décès.
Josette St-Amand, conseillère en fiscalité, Mouvement des Caisses Desjardins, espaceD, 2008 11-12
Economy & Financial FraudArt Bell was joined by financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts for a discussion on fraud and the economy. Financial fraud is tied into the black budget-- "the local narcotics trade is financing Tony Soprano, who's financing James Bond". In the fraud involving Bernie Madoff siphoning off $50 billion, she suggested that he couldn't have done it without some kind of institutional support.
We're seeing a "freeze up"-- no one wants to trade, no one trusts each other "because they’re not trustworthy." This is an example of the market actually working. The shakeout from the bubble economy is going to continue with the Dow possibly dropping as low as 4500 during 2009. Pension funds will take huge losses, and municipalities will be handed the bill.
There are pockets of people around the country who are successfully adapting, investing in local banks and farmers, as well as precious metals. Financial integrity has to come from the crowd, who needs to prepare to convert to something more sustainable.
C2C, 2008 12 18
9 M $ stolen in largest ATM hack everFBI Investigates ATM Scam
2009 02 02
Reported by John Deutzman
MYFOXNY.COM - A Fox 5 investigation exposes a worldwide ATM scam that swindled $9 million and jeopardized sensitive information from people around the world. Law enforcement sources told Fox 5 it's one of the most frightening well-coordinated heists ever seen.
Photos from security video obtained by Fox 5 show of a small piece of a huge scam that took place all in one day in a matter of hours. According to the FBI, ATMs from 49 cities were hit -- including Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Montreal, Moscow, Hong Kong.
"We've seen similar attempts to defraud a bank through ATM machines but not anywhere near the scale we have here," FBI Agent Ross Rice told Fox 5.
People in the photos are believed to be "cashers," low-level players, in a scheme devised from some mastermind -- a dangerous computer hacker or hacking ring authorities fear could strike again.
Here's how it came down, according to information Fox obtained from the FBI and law enforcement sources:
The computer system for a company called RBS WorldPay was hacked. One service of the company is the ability for employers to pay employees with the money going directly to a payroll card, like a debit card that can be used in an ATM. The hacker was able to infiltrate the secure system and steal information necessary to duplicate or clone cards.
"We've never seen one this well coordinated".
After midnight Eastern Time on November 8, dozens of cashers were used in a coordinated attack of ATM machines around the world.
"Over 130 different ATM machines in 49 cities worldwide were accessed in a 30-minute period on November 8. So you can get an idea of the number of people involved in this and the scope of the operation."
With cashers ready to do their dirty work around the world, the hacker had the ability to lift limits on ATM cards. Cashers were able to cash three times. When it was over, they used 100 cards and ripped off $9 million.
The RBS Web site says card holders will not be responsible for unauthorized transactions. There is fear hackers might have had access to sensitive information used in identity theft for a potential 1.5 million customers -- including Social Security numbers.
"The number of machines accessed, of cities targeted, and people involved in this is significant" .
Investigators are hoping a break in the case may come from one of the cashers. The theory is they were recruited, paid a small fee to be soldiers in the scam, and might be likely to rat out the people who hired them.
There are millions of people with payroll cards. RBS officials say they have sent out letters to anyone who might have been affected. They are also offering one-year credit protection for people whose SSN may have been jeopardized by this scam. It doesn't look like any identity theft has occurred.
The FBI has no suspects and has made no arrests. An attorney in Atlanta has filed a class-action lawsuit against RBS WorldPay for allegedly failing to protect personal information.
RBS WorldPay has hired a security firm to figure out what happened and to prevent it.
ÉconomisonsAu Québec, 2354 pertes de maisons en 2008. Le 0% de comptant et les 40 ans à la Japonaise et à la Wells Fargo sont un non-sens (dead end).
Ce qui se vend : Épicerie, pharmacie, cosmétiques, électronique.
Besoins primaires et individuels. Pour garder un sens de soi dans la perte et pour survivre.
Ce qui se vend moins : Vêtements, bijoux.
Belles occasions d'achat pour du linge à rabais. Aidons les commerçants et les gouvernements par les taxes.
39 300 emplois perdus sur deux jours.
Alcoa -13 500.
Google -5000.
Teck de Vancouver (mines) -1400.
Japon : TDK -8000, Mitsubishi -2000.
Dell (Irlande) -1900 sur 4300 (44%) mais se déplace en Pologne (Feng Shui).
Lenovo (qui a acheté IBM PC dont les Thinkpad) -2500 dans le monde.
Wal-Mart le plus gros mondialement. Plus que Exxon Mobil et Shell (Big W a fait 379 G USD en 2008). 40 magasins fermés entre 2h et 9 jours aux É.U.A. Mesure temporaire avant Noël. 23 fermetures au Japon, une grosse économie. Pour faire de l'argent, en dépenser moins.
L'économie récède et le climat s'en mêle. L'hiver est ardu ici au Canada et aux States.
Macy's ferme 11 magasins. Les 5000 personnes engagées pour Noël sont reparties.
Journal de Montréal, TV et Web.
Bechtel au Québec -330.
CA -34 000 pour 12 2008 (QC, AB surtout).
-71 000 en 11 2008.
-525 000 É.U.A. en 12 2008.
- 2,6 M É.U. 2008 dont 1,9 sur 4 mois (09-12) et dont -273 000 pour services en 12.
232 restos en faillite au QC en 01 2008.
J. de Mtl, 2009 01 11
Jobs QC-ONQuébec 79,3 % = Situation de l'emploi Favorable.
Ontario 47,4 % = Défavorable.
Indice Jobboom, 13 01 2009
Québec 70,8 % = Passable.
Ontario 14,3 % = Défavorable.
15 02 2009
Québec 65,7 % = Passable.
Ontario ? = ?
15 03 2009
Québec 61,9 % = Passable.
Ontario 0% = Défavorable.
27 04 2009
Québec 69,7 % = Passable.
Ontario 0 % = Défavorable.
25 05 2009
L'économie américaine se contracte de 5,5% au 1er trimestre 2009 contre 6,3% en fin 2008, le pire en 25 ans. 627 000 nouveaux chômeurs/semaine, 15 000 de plus en une semaine.
Métro, 2009 06 26-28
6,7 M de chômeurs américains.
Métro, 2009 05 22-24
6,13 M de chômeurs américains.
Métro, 2009 04 24-26
5,84 M américains chôment.
Métro, 2009 04 10-13
5,73 M de chômeurs américains.
3000 mises à pied chez Bombardier Aéronautique. Avec un profit historique de 1 G USD, Bombardier comprime 1030 postes à Montréal et 475 à Toronto. Le reste est en Irlande, É.U. et Mexique. En février 2009, 1360 employés, dont 710 à Montréal ont été licenciés.
3,6 M en Espagne, le double des 27 pays de l'Union européenne.
Métro, 2009 04 03-05
Il y a 5,47 M de chômeurs aux É.U.
Métro, 2009 03 20-22
5,3 M chômeurs aux É.U.A. selon le Département américain du travail.
Métro, 2009 03 13-15
5,1 M de chômeurs américains. Pire que 1967.
Métro, 2009 02 27-03-01
Il y a 4,8 M chômeurs américains. 626 000 de plus qu'en janvier. Le plus haut niveau en 26 ans selon le département américain du Travail.
Métro, 2009 02 06-08
BonusEdward Liddy, PDG d'AIG, est tenu légalement de verser les primes à des employés. On attend une remise d'au moins la moitié des 220 M$US. Après une aide de 170G pour éviter la faillite, 80% de la compagnie est étatisée.
Fannie Mae, créditeur immobilier, versera des primes de 611 000 $US à des dirigeants. Freddie Mac ferait de même.
La Réserve fédérale américaine achètera 300G$ d'obligations du Trésor américain pour abaisser le taux d'intérêt.
Selon l'Association canadienne de l'immeuble (ACI), le prix moyen des immeubles s'est abaissé en février 2009 à 281 972$. En CB, AB et ON, la demande s'affaiblit le plus. Au QC, les prix montent de 1,6% et atteignent 207 927$.
Le Pr Léo-Paul Lauzon rapporte que depuis 25 ans, la classe moyenne des É.U.A. s'appauvrit. Le revenu annuel a diminué de 1175 $US depuis 2000 mais les dépenses courantes grimpent à 4655$. 1% des Américains riches détiennent 23% de la richesse nationale, contre 10% en 1980. Une minorité s'accapare les avoirs. En 3 h, un dirigeant gagne le salaire annuel minimum. La santé privatisée entraîne des faillites. 40%+ ne paient pas les primes d'assurance. Baisses d'impôt et abris fiscaux ne profitent pas à la classe moyenne.
Métro, 2009 03 19
Money, the Greatest HoaxAbout 25 years ago, I had the opportunity of meeting an elderly gentleman who lived through the collapse of the German Reichmark and subsequent hyperinflation during the 1920s. He shared how Germany was a prosperous country until politicians removed the gold-backing from its currency in 1914 to finance the war.
1 German Reichmark equaled 4 U.S. dollars. Four years later Germany lost the war, and by 1923 the exchange rate soared to 1 trillion marks to 1 U.S. dollar.
Why didn't the German government act to slow inflation? It was a shaky, fragile government, especially after the assassination of Walter Rathenau, the foreign minister. More than inflation, the Germans feared unemployment. Inflation kept everyone working, so the printing presses continued to run. Doesn't that sound familiar?
As the gentleman explained, by late 1923, inflation was so severe he was being paid up to three times a day. His wife would meet him at work, take the money and run to the shops to exchange it for food, clothes, soap. Anything valued. It took a wheel barrow full of money to buy anything. A loaf of bread cost 200 billion marks.
Germany is not the only country in which we can draw experience from. Hyperinflation scenarios occurred in Rome between 218 and 268 A.D. and in France in the 1780s after currencies were debased. Zimbabwe too. Thomas Jefferson warned of impeding disaster when he said: "I believe banking institutions are more dangerous to liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around banks will deprive people of property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
In the past months, the Federal Reserve and politicians have turned up the printing presses to bail out banks, mortgage companies and car manufacturers. It's obvious we have not learned from history and are doomed to repeat the hyperinflation scenario.
Learn from history on the predicted disastrous state of the U.S. economy. The U.S. dollar hasn't got much time left. You need to act right now to protect your family's well being and financial future from this potential meltdown.
Millions of Germans lost fortunes and did not understand how it had happened, or who to blame. The savvy few who understood history protected their families, wealth and assets. They thrived financially.
The startling and sometimes corrupt history of U.S. money is becoming a fact.
Never look at a dollar bill the same way again.
"If we don't learn from our history, we're doomed to repeat it."
—George Washington
The Bob Livingston Letter
Personal Liberty Alert
2009 03 18
Economic DownturnArt Bell was joined by Wall St. insider Michael J. Panzner, who discussed the dire economic circumstances in America and around the globe. The U.S. is not in a typical recession. The crisis more closely resembles a depression, in which we can expect an extended period of economic contraction accompanied by deflation.
The largest players in our banking system are insolvent. Their situation was brought on by: exposure to trillions of dollars of mortgage backed securities, derivatives, and default swaps. Bailouts and stimulus packages will postpone the inevitable, not resolve the nation's financial troubles. "What got us here, decades of excesses, of imbalances, you can't just stop them by saying, 'OK, we're determined and we're going to think positive'".
Our currency will continue to be devalued by the ongoing printing press policies of our government. Expect an inflationary environment. Real estate prices will fall further, not reaching final lows until 2012 at the earliest. There will be multiple lurches down in the stock market. The DOW might fall by as much as 75% from its current level. The retail sector could be wiped out as the religion of consumerism seems to be dying. Panzner foresees the U.S. breaking apart, conflict with Mexico, and another world war.
Parts of the country will become suburban wastelands due to water and energy issues. Adjust attitudes and lifestyles accordingly, and accept the reality that the current economic downturn is not short term -- it's the new norm. Pay down debt and live within your means. Investors, look at precious metals like gold, silver, platinum.
C2C, 2009 02 21
Achat de propriété aux É.U.?Une réduction du prix d'achat de 40 % semble alléchant, mais... L'argent canadien n'est plus au pair.
Un résident canadien qui n'a pas la citoyenneté américaine peut avoir une résidence permanente en sol américain. Mais cela implique la renonciation au statut de résident canadien. Comme aller travailler à sauver de l'impôt aux Bahamas. Les biens canadiens sont calculés à leur juste valeur marchande pour déterminer le gain en capital imposable au départ du pays. Entrent alors en jeu les règles fiscales américaines.
Un résident américain présumé a quant à lui une résidence secondaire en passant le test des 183 jours sur les derniers 3 ans.
Louer sa propriété implique que le locataire ou vous payez 30% mensuellement du montant brut aux autorités américaines. Un résident canadien est imposable au Canada et reçoit un crédit pour imposition étrangère. Un gain en capital réalisé est imposé jusqu'à 15%. Le notaire remet 10% du prix de vente aux américains dans un acompte provisionnel. Au Canada, présenter 50% de ce gain avec un crédit pour impôt étranger.
3 paliers d'imposition sont possibles : État, Comté, Ville.
Pensez aux droits successoraux américains advenant votre décès.
Josette St-Amand, conseillère en fiscalité, Mouvement des Caisses Desjardins, espaceD, 2008 11-12
Economy & Financial FraudArt Bell was joined by financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts for a discussion on fraud and the economy. Financial fraud is tied into the black budget-- "the local narcotics trade is financing Tony Soprano, who's financing James Bond". In the fraud involving Bernie Madoff siphoning off $50 billion, she suggested that he couldn't have done it without some kind of institutional support.
We're seeing a "freeze up"-- no one wants to trade, no one trusts each other "because they’re not trustworthy." This is an example of the market actually working. The shakeout from the bubble economy is going to continue with the Dow possibly dropping as low as 4500 during 2009. Pension funds will take huge losses, and municipalities will be handed the bill.
There are pockets of people around the country who are successfully adapting, investing in local banks and farmers, as well as precious metals. Financial integrity has to come from the crowd, who needs to prepare to convert to something more sustainable.
C2C, 2008 12 18
9 M $ stolen in largest ATM hack everFBI Investigates ATM Scam
2009 02 02
Reported by John Deutzman
MYFOXNY.COM - A Fox 5 investigation exposes a worldwide ATM scam that swindled $9 million and jeopardized sensitive information from people around the world. Law enforcement sources told Fox 5 it's one of the most frightening well-coordinated heists ever seen.
Photos from security video obtained by Fox 5 show of a small piece of a huge scam that took place all in one day in a matter of hours. According to the FBI, ATMs from 49 cities were hit -- including Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Montreal, Moscow, Hong Kong.
"We've seen similar attempts to defraud a bank through ATM machines but not anywhere near the scale we have here," FBI Agent Ross Rice told Fox 5.
People in the photos are believed to be "cashers," low-level players, in a scheme devised from some mastermind -- a dangerous computer hacker or hacking ring authorities fear could strike again.
Here's how it came down, according to information Fox obtained from the FBI and law enforcement sources:
The computer system for a company called RBS WorldPay was hacked. One service of the company is the ability for employers to pay employees with the money going directly to a payroll card, like a debit card that can be used in an ATM. The hacker was able to infiltrate the secure system and steal information necessary to duplicate or clone cards.
"We've never seen one this well coordinated".
After midnight Eastern Time on November 8, dozens of cashers were used in a coordinated attack of ATM machines around the world.
"Over 130 different ATM machines in 49 cities worldwide were accessed in a 30-minute period on November 8. So you can get an idea of the number of people involved in this and the scope of the operation."
With cashers ready to do their dirty work around the world, the hacker had the ability to lift limits on ATM cards. Cashers were able to cash three times. When it was over, they used 100 cards and ripped off $9 million.
The RBS Web site says card holders will not be responsible for unauthorized transactions. There is fear hackers might have had access to sensitive information used in identity theft for a potential 1.5 million customers -- including Social Security numbers.
"The number of machines accessed, of cities targeted, and people involved in this is significant" .
Investigators are hoping a break in the case may come from one of the cashers. The theory is they were recruited, paid a small fee to be soldiers in the scam, and might be likely to rat out the people who hired them.
There are millions of people with payroll cards. RBS officials say they have sent out letters to anyone who might have been affected. They are also offering one-year credit protection for people whose SSN may have been jeopardized by this scam. It doesn't look like any identity theft has occurred.
The FBI has no suspects and has made no arrests. An attorney in Atlanta has filed a class-action lawsuit against RBS WorldPay for allegedly failing to protect personal information.
RBS WorldPay has hired a security firm to figure out what happened and to prevent it.
ÉconomisonsAu Québec, 2354 pertes de maisons en 2008. Le 0% de comptant et les 40 ans à la Japonaise et à la Wells Fargo sont un non-sens (dead end).
Ce qui se vend : Épicerie, pharmacie, cosmétiques, électronique.
Besoins primaires et individuels. Pour garder un sens de soi dans la perte et pour survivre.
Ce qui se vend moins : Vêtements, bijoux.
Belles occasions d'achat pour du linge à rabais. Aidons les commerçants et les gouvernements par les taxes.
39 300 emplois perdus sur deux jours.
Alcoa -13 500.
Google -5000.
Teck de Vancouver (mines) -1400.
Japon : TDK -8000, Mitsubishi -2000.
Dell (Irlande) -1900 sur 4300 (44%) mais se déplace en Pologne (Feng Shui).
Lenovo (qui a acheté IBM PC dont les Thinkpad) -2500 dans le monde.
Wal-Mart le plus gros mondialement. Plus que Exxon Mobil et Shell (Big W a fait 379 G USD en 2008). 40 magasins fermés entre 2h et 9 jours aux É.U.A. Mesure temporaire avant Noël. 23 fermetures au Japon, une grosse économie. Pour faire de l'argent, en dépenser moins.
L'économie récède et le climat s'en mêle. L'hiver est ardu ici au Canada et aux States.
Macy's ferme 11 magasins. Les 5000 personnes engagées pour Noël sont reparties.
Journal de Montréal, TV et Web.
Bechtel au Québec -330.
CA -34 000 pour 12 2008 (QC, AB surtout).
-71 000 en 11 2008.
-525 000 É.U.A. en 12 2008.
- 2,6 M É.U. 2008 dont 1,9 sur 4 mois (09-12) et dont -273 000 pour services en 12.
232 restos en faillite au QC en 01 2008.
J. de Mtl, 2009 01 11
Jobs QC-ONQuébec 79,3 % = Situation de l'emploi Favorable.
Ontario 47,4 % = Défavorable.
Indice Jobboom, 13 01 2009
Québec 70,8 % = Passable.
Ontario 14,3 % = Défavorable.
15 02 2009
Québec 65,7 % = Passable.
Ontario ? = ?
15 03 2009
Québec 61,9 % = Passable.
Ontario 0% = Défavorable.
27 04 2009
Québec 69,7 % = Passable.
Ontario 0 % = Défavorable.
25 05 2009
Québec 71,3 % = Passable.
Ontario 0 % = Défavorable.
08 06 2009Le fabriquant de microprocesseurs américain Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) supprimera 1100 emplois en raison de la baisse des ventes d'ordinateurs individuels.
Les bénéfices du fabricant de microprocesseurs Intel sont tombés de 90% au 4e trimestre.
Le géant américain de l'Internet Google fermera 3 bureaux d'ingénierie et mettra à pied 100 agents de recrutement.
La chaîne américaine de détaillants de produits électroniques Circuit City (CC), sous la protection de la loi sur la faillite, liquidera ses actifs américains après une tentative d'entente avec ses créditeurs et prêteurs.
Le loueur de voitures Hertz supprimera 4000+ postes mondialement.
Une aide de 20G USD est accordée au Département du Trésor américain à la Bank of America. Les patrons sont certainement heureux...
Le géant bancaire américain Citigroup se scindera en deux. Perte nette de 8,29 G USD pour le 4e trimestre. 5e perte trimestrielle de suite.
Le géant pharmaceutique américain Pfizer licenciera 2400 des 8000 personnels commerciaux selon le Wall Street Journal.
Le secteur canadien des fonds communs de placement a subi une année 2008 désastreuse avec 792 M $ de rachats nets selon l'IFIC. Les pertes en capital diminueront les entrées monétaires gouvernementales. Les gens qui se retirent vers des fonds monétaires paieront de l'impôt sur les intérêts à 100 % imposables. Et tirent dans les pattes des gens qui restent dans les fonds communs d'actions ou d'obligations. Quoique quand le feu prend, les premiers sortis risquent de survivre. Mais ceux qui restent investis le font pour le futur imprévisible et parce qu'ils n'ont pas besoin de cet argent maintenant.
L'entreprise en technologie optique JDS Uniphase Canada a remis des avis de cessation d'emploi à 20 de ses employés d'Ottawa.
La société en commandite Petromont cesse les opérations de ses usines de Varennes et de Montréal-Est, au Québec, après suspension des activités des établissements pour une période indéfinie le 30 avril 2008. La décision touche 325 employés.
Le gouvernement du Québec a déposé un projet de loi qui prévoit que le gouvernement garantira les bénéfices prévus par les régimes de retraite des entreprises en faillite.
L'économie espagnole se contractera de 1,6% en 2009. Le chômage atteindra 16% de la population active selon le gouvernement., 2009 01 16
Microsoft supprimera 5000 emplois.
Yahoo! a licencié 1500 employés.
Métro, 2009 01 23
Pendant que le marché des capitaux est gelé par une crise financière mondiale sans précédent, le Fonds de solidarité FTQ a investi 730 M $ de liquidités/140 entreprises québécoises. Un catalyseur pour l'économie du Québec.
Le carnet d'actionnaire 2008-2009
Les tendances prédominantes des cinq dernières années se sont rapidement inversées. Ce qui augmentait se nommait : produits de base, marché boursier et dollars canadiens, marchés émergents alors que matériaux et énergie dopaient la Bourse au Canada comme d'antiques Nortel et .com. Du record de 15 073 (18 06 2008), le S&P/TSX est descendu à 8500 points. Le baril de pétrole est passé d'un prix record de 147,90 $ à 45 $. Le CAD était au pair face au USD mais a perdu 20 % depuis. La crise américaine des prêts hypothécaires à risque élevé a dégénéré en crise mondiale du crédit. Le marché boursier a suivi. Des institutions financières se sont endettées et empruntaient pour poursuivre le financement de leurs opérations insensées (poule pas de tête). Les taux d'intérêt ont baissé au Canada, aux É.U.A. et en Europe. L'effet des banques centrales ne s'est pas rapidement fait sentir. Entreprises et personnes ont de la dificulté à transiger un prêt. L'activité économique ralentit. Les États-Unis sont entrés en récession en 2007 12. En 2008 12, la Banque du Canada confirme notre récession. Les banques canadiennes sont parmi les plus solides malgré leur taille restreinte. Comme le pensait Benjamin Graham, les investisseurs futés achètent des actions comme des provisions en accroissant le stock quand les prix chûtent. Facile à dire mais pas à faire. Tête contre Coeur. Les Chinois le font!
Septembre et octobre 2008 sont faits de volatilité sans précédent pour les marchés de capitaux mondiaux. Dégonflement de la bulle mondiale du crédit, marchés boursiers en lourde baisse, marchés obligataires et des devises en pente descendante. Période traumatisante pour les investisseurs, consommateurs et sociétés. Des problèmes systémiques similaires sont survenus dans le passé de l'humanité.
Mackenzie Vision Hiver 2009
La Banque de Montréal ferme 107 petites succursales dans des supermarchés Safeway, Sobeys, A&P et IGA. 350 personnes quitteront leur emploi.
GM coupe 2000 emplois en Ontario.
Métro, 2009 01 27
Caterpillar, fabricant américain de matériel lourd de chantier et mines supprime 2110 emplois additionnels. 20 000 autres sont supprimés depuis des jours.
Métro, 2009 02 02
Chrysler sacrifie 3000 autres emplois aux États-Unis alors que GM licenciera 47 000 employés.
Métro, 2009 02 18
Selon l'Institut de la statistique du Québec, pour les mois de Janvier à Mars 2008, 1,4 % du revenu personnel disponible est placé, le plus faible taux d'épargne depuis 10 ans. En récession, c'est alarmant.
Selon Statistique Canada et les déclarations de revenus 2007, 6,3 M de cotisants au REER ont placé 34,1 G $. Seulement 6 % de la somme maximale. La cotisation médiane est de 2780 $.
Les revenus de placement 2007 sont déclarés par 8,9 M de personnes avec une valeur de 46,9 G $ selon Statistique Canada. La valeur médiane est passée de 530 à 610 $ entre 2006 et 2007.
Métro, Cahier spécial REER, 2009 02 18
Faillite de restos275 en 2007 et 336 en 2008.
14 000 restaurants au QC récoltent 10 G $.
4700 licenciements chez Embraer, Brésil.
Saisies immobilières+54% en Grande-Bretagne.
25 900 en 2007, 40 000 en 2008, 75 000 en 2009.
J. de Mtl, 2009 02 23
Ventes au détail canadiennesStatCan rapporte que l'économie nationale a perdu 5,4% en 12 2008. La plus importante diminution depuis 15 ans.
Les ventes automobiles ont reculé de 12,7% (-15,1% pour le neuf). Les ventes au détail ont fléchi de 1,8% en excluant l'automobile. Volume de ventes au détail : -4,1%.
Matériaux de construction, produits extérieurs de maison : -5,6%. Repli depuis 09 2008.
Vêtements et accessoires : -3,7%.
- 2,0% pour meubles, accessoires de maison, électronique, articles de sports, librairies.
La Chine se sortira de la récession en premierVentes automobiles : +4%.
Ventes au détail : +25%.
Les Chinois achètent ce que l'État n'exporte pas.
La Chine achète des ressources naturelles, des matières premières, des sociétés financières et ouvre de nouvelles mines.
Les réserves en devises étrangères sont de 2000 G$. Un fonds souverain vaut 200 G$ de plus.
Loïc Tassé, politologue à l'UdeM dit que les chinois achètent : pétrole, gaz, riz, blé pendant que les prix sont bas.
J. de Mtl, 2009 02 24
Nortel ajoute 3200 suppressions s'ajoutant aux 1800 emplois déjà soustraits.
RC, 2009 02 25
12 2008: 538 180 prestataires d'assurance-emploi au CA selon StatCan.
24 heures, 2009 02 25
5,7 cotisants au Régime des rentes du Québec par rentier en 1990, 2 en 2020 et 1,5 en 2040 selon Edward Tamagno.
SVLa Sécurité de la vieillesse du Canada est soumise aux humeurs des politiciens et de l'économie selon Hélène Gagné.
Métro Cahier spécial REER, 2009 02 25
Suite à l'achat de WaMu, la banque américaine JPMorgan supprime 12 000 emplois.
24 heures, 2009 02 27
Chrysler ON coupera 1 200 emplois.
201 nouvelles saisies de maisons au QC selon GDL Crédit Ressources. 864 préavis de 60 jours par mois.
En Irlande, le chômage est de 10,4 % pour 350 000 personnes selon le Bureau central des statistiques. 150 000 autres pertes sont probables.
350 000 emplois privés seront perdus en France.
Shepell-fgi rapporte que les PAE traitent du stress d'employés. Plus d'hommes que de femmes consultent (65 c. 35 %). NS, PEI, ON, QC sont les plus vus. Hausse de 30,3 % pour les problèmes de recouvrement, de 20,3 pour crédit, 24,4 pour faillite et 41 pour soutien financier en cas de divorce.
Métro, 2009 03 05
La CDP perd un autre 5,7 G$ lors des 6 premiers mois de 2009.
Métro 2009 08 13
CDPLa Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec a dévoilé ses pires résultats en enregistrant un rendement de -25%. Son actif a fondu de 39,8 G$.
Déposants : Régie des rentes du Québec (RRQ), Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ), Régime de retraite des employés du gouvernement et d’organismes publics (RREGOP), Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST), Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ).
Argent, 2009 02 25
Régie des rentes: 7 G, Régime de retraite des syndiqués du secteur public: 9 G, cadres du gouvernement: 1,5 G, CSST: 2 G, SAAQ: 1,2 G, Gouvernement du Québec à travers son fonds d'amortissement des régimes de retraite: 6 G.
Les gestionnaires de fonds comparables enregistrent en moyenne un rendement négatif autour de 18%, une meilleure performance que les -25 de la Caisse de dépôt du Québec.
SVLa Sécurité de la vieillesse du Canada est soumise aux humeurs des politiciens et de l'économie selon Hélène Gagné.
Métro Cahier spécial REER, 2009 02 25
Suite à l'achat de WaMu, la banque américaine JPMorgan supprime 12 000 emplois.
24 heures, 2009 02 27
Chrysler ON coupera 1 200 emplois.
201 nouvelles saisies de maisons au QC selon GDL Crédit Ressources. 864 préavis de 60 jours par mois.
En Irlande, le chômage est de 10,4 % pour 350 000 personnes selon le Bureau central des statistiques. 150 000 autres pertes sont probables.
350 000 emplois privés seront perdus en France.
Shepell-fgi rapporte que les PAE traitent du stress d'employés. Plus d'hommes que de femmes consultent (65 c. 35 %). NS, PEI, ON, QC sont les plus vus. Hausse de 30,3 % pour les problèmes de recouvrement, de 20,3 pour crédit, 24,4 pour faillite et 41 pour soutien financier en cas de divorce.
Métro, 2009 03 05
La CDP perd un autre 5,7 G$ lors des 6 premiers mois de 2009.
Métro 2009 08 13
CDPLa Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec a dévoilé ses pires résultats en enregistrant un rendement de -25%. Son actif a fondu de 39,8 G$.
Déposants : Régie des rentes du Québec (RRQ), Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ), Régime de retraite des employés du gouvernement et d’organismes publics (RREGOP), Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST), Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ).
Argent, 2009 02 25
Régie des rentes: 7 G, Régime de retraite des syndiqués du secteur public: 9 G, cadres du gouvernement: 1,5 G, CSST: 2 G, SAAQ: 1,2 G, Gouvernement du Québec à travers son fonds d'amortissement des régimes de retraite: 6 G.
Les gestionnaires de fonds comparables enregistrent en moyenne un rendement négatif autour de 18%, une meilleure performance que les -25 de la Caisse de dépôt du Québec.
Economic Analysis
Gerald Celente offered commentary about the economy. The American bailout plan has been driven by a kind of optimism opium. Other countries express concern over how the US keeps printing money without anything to back it up. Wall Street has hijacked Washington and we're heading into an Obamageddon.
C2C, 2009 06 09
The Economic DownturnIn a special program on the economy, financial experts and commentators offered analysis of the downturn.
Documentary filmmaker Alex Jones declared that the "world government" was staging an economic collapse so they can consolidate assets and then issue a new world currency directed by private banks. The silver lining is that the bailout plan might backfire on the New World Order.
Financial advisor Mish Shedlock commented we were in an economic "freefall" and that a lot of it was warranted because banks had been leveraged 12:1. He spoke against the US automotive bailout plan, as the money would only be a temporary fix.
Analyst Aubie Baltin predicted we'll see a depression by 2010. We've encroached on freedom to such an extent that capitalism is breaking down.
Author and radio host Andre Eggelletion said we are already seeing a depression in many parts of the U.S. The market will drop to 7200 (fait), and it'll be a 10-year minimum before order is restored.
Trends researcher Gerald Celente noted that most businesses are going to take big hits, particularly retail-- we'll start to see more closures and downsizing in February. Entrepreneurs can benefit in the downturn, as the collapse of Wall St. brings new opportunities to Main St.
"What did the sources say? They're going to run the market up to 14,000-- they did that-- to sucker people in, then they're going to pop the subprime mortgage bubble-- but that's only a pretext to then cut off liquidity. They got the American people and the world in debt-- they told us debt was the way to go; they told everyone to go out and get these loans and then they cut the blood supply off. So the economy is like a zombie, the blood is not flowing, it's basically dead, and that's what this small inter-group of banks needs to consolidate things. So they're flush in $5 trillion they've stolen in five weeks. They did a bait and switch." --Alex Jones
2008 11 20
The Federal Reserve is not federal, nor does it have any reserves. They exist beyond scrutiny, as no one ever audits them. --Jim Marrs
2008 11 25
Economic Meltdown & SolutionsFinancial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts discussed the economic crisis and possible solutions. $4 trillion has been pulled out of the economy and the big mystery is where did it go? At the core, we've experienced a financial coup d’état-- assets have been stripped out of communities in order to make people more dependent on Washington and centralized government. "We're watching the control and consolidation of cash flow.
"The Fed and Treasury are putting trillions back into the economy by printing money-- that isn't going to solve financial problems. The current bailout of Citibank is just enough to keep it going, but there's no assurance that'll be enough. These bailouts are like "steroids"—they're not building real economic value.
Fitts proposed a path back to economic vitality: People should put money into local economies and avoid investing in corrupt institutions. Networking with neighbors, embarking on DIY projects, and buying from local farmers are ways to enhance local wealth. She suggested young people be given a toolkit for concrete skills such as learning how to build homes and grow food. Wealth could be created by bringing forward energy and health technology that's been suppressed."What's not understood is we're paying an enormous tax in several ways. One is when you centralize capital whether through Wall St. or Washington in ways that are non-economic, you shrink total wealth. You centralize it so it goes up in the hands of a few, you end up with more billionaires. You're sending the blood to the toes and the fingers, and you're cutting it off from the hearts and the lungs of the economy ." --Fitts
2008 11 26
Des obstétriciens et des oncologues traitent des étrangers sans frais. Face au cancer, cela coûte entre 200 000 et 400 000$. Cette éthique québécoise fait de notre terre fertile une vache à lait pour les mal-pensants stratégiques devant la brèche.
Métro, 2009 02 18
Les autorités fédérales ont inculpé le milliardaire texan Allen Stanford pour fraude massive. La SEC affirme que Stanford a mis sur pied un programme frauduleux d'investissements pour 8 G $ promettant des taux d'intérêt élevés et non corroborés. Ses actifs et ceux de ses trois sociétés et entreprises (Stanford International Bank, Stanford Group, Stanford Capital Management) sont gelés.
24 heures, 2009 02 18
La fraude pyramidale de Madoff est de 64,8 G$. L'ancien patron du Nasdaq de 70 ans a victimisé des Juifs entre autres.
24 heures, 2009 03 13
Trends analyst Gerald CelenteThe Collapse of '09-- markets & businesses fail. Unemployment will reach over 20%.
The Greatest Depression-- worse than the 1930's depression. We need a productive capacity to bring us out. We can't keep creating more paper money.
Economic Slim-Fast-- A return to Yankee frugality. "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, do without."
C2C, 2009 01 01
Gerald Celente shared his dire economic outlook for the coming year. By February, there'll be major bankruptcies in the retail sector, leading into the collapse of the commercial real estate market that'll be worse than the problems with home mortgages. He sees a global depression taking hold in 2009, and protests by students and/or workers related to the economy coming in the Spring.
2008 12 18
Celente offered commentary on the economy. We'll start to see the Great Collapse of '09 beginning in February when a lot of retailers will go belly-up. There could be a run on banks in the U.S., in which the government will declare a bank holiday, limiting how much money a person could take out of their accounts.
2008 12 11
An Economic DownturnFinancial experts and commentators offered analysis of the downturn. Documentary filmmaker Alex Jones kicked off the show, declaring that the world government was staging an economic collapse so they can consolidate assets and then issue a new world currency directed by private banks. The silver lining was that the bailout plan might backfire on the New World Order.
Financial advisor Mish Shedlock commented we were in an economic freefall and that a lot of it was warranted because banks had been leveraged 12:1. He spoke against the US automotive bailout plan, as the money would only be a temporary fix for them. Analyst Aubie Baltin predicted we'll see a depression by 2010. We've encroached on freedom to such an extent that capitalism is breaking down.
Author and radio host Andre Eggelletion said we are already seeing a depression in many parts of the U.S. The market will drop to 7200, and it'll be a 10-year minimum before order is restored.
Celente noted that most businesses are going to take big hits, particularly retail-- we'll start to see more closures and downsizing in February. But entrepreneurs can benefit in the downturn, as the collapse of Wall St. brings new opportunities to Main St.
2008 11 19
Celente commented on the economy. The US auto industry, seeking a bailout, made poor choices on trends and innovations. Retail in general is going to be hit hard, and we'll see expanded job losses and closures after Christmas.
2008 11 12
Celente warned that the economic system is going to fail, and the euphoria surrounding Obama will fade by Feb./March, as reality sets in. By 2012, Celente believes there'll be a viable third party based around making financial changes.
Prophecy scholar John Hogue noted that Obama could be the great black king Nostradamus prophesied about. He could build an ecological industrial complex that will free us from dependence on foreign oil.
Financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts commented that Obama was still dependent on the failing machinery of the financial system, though he does favor a PAYGO philosophy. She argued for a decentralization of the system, beginning on a grassroots/local level.
2008 11 04
Celente commented on the ongoing financial crisis spreading across the globe.
2008 10 08
Celente reacted to the latest news on the bailout and stock market drop. He was pleased the American people's voice was heard in the House rejecting the $700 billion bailout plan. We're going to see failures beyond the financial sector, with retail sales tanking, and a real shrinking of the economy.
2008 09 29
The Global ConspiracyAuthor and lecturer David Icke discussed his work revealing the Global Conspiracy. Fear is the four letter word that controls the world, outlining how an elite transnational group at the top of a pyramid of control, secretly pulls strings. The current economic crisis with various bank and company failures allows the elite to further centralize their power, and quicken the rate of globalization.
These global elites, who come from ancient bloodlines, seek to create a world central bank, a single electronic currency, and a microchipped population to control. He described the scenario as a gigantic virtual reality computer game, with the elite ultimately controlled by a disembodied consciousness.
The period leading up to 2012 will be a crucial time, with an enormous vibrational change. People have the potential to wake up, fend off enslavement, and realize that the few cannot control the many.
Celente commented on the economy. The worst is yet to come, with the failure of giant retailers, banks, consumer product companies, and commercial real estate.
2008 09 17
Celente discussed the latest bank failures, and suggested the commercial real estate market will be the next shoe to drop, leading into the Crash of '09. A new Cold War with Russia could heat up to a World War by 2012.
2008 08 25
Celente noted that he'd warned of failing banks, and now we are starting to see that take place. He recommended keeping half of your money in euros through an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF). Saber rattling in connection with Iran is being used to divert attention away from the dire economic situation.
2008 07 14
Meltdown: Economy & OilLooking at issues surrounding oil & the economy, Celente was joined by investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts, and oil expert Matt Savinar.
The dollar has lost 41% of its value during the Bush administration, and we're going to see company failures so big they won't be able to be bailed out, like Bear Stearns, said Celente. He cited the Federal Reserve, which functions as a private company with no congressional oversight, as one of the major problems. Predicting food & gas riots, and tax revolts, Celente suggested diversifying savings among banks, if you have more than $100,000.
Catherine Austin Fitts commented that the demise of Bear Stearns may have been a hit job, cannibalized for the good of finance companies. There is an effort to centralize the economy and shift assets away from local communities. Fitts described these as economic warfare being conducted on a global scale that is fostered by technology and invisible weaponry, such as satellites. The US economy is purposely being pumped and dumped.
Matt Savinar said global oil supplies have plateaued, and with lessening oil reserves it becomes increasingly expensive to bring up the remaining oil. Prices will continue to skyrocket upwards as we enter the down side of peak oil. Tapping unused reserves in the United States and Canada will only postpone the problem for a short time, and the theory of abiotic oil is a kind of misinformation. The oil crisis is an economic 9-11, and we're going to see a crash worse than the Great Depression, Celente added.
2008 07 03
Celente discussed the dire economic situation in the U.S. After the election, interest rates will be raised and the dollar devaluated. We'll see massive bank failures, brought about by the banks having lent money to leveraged buy-out groups.
2008 06 26
Celente shared an update. The next eight years are going to be an era of dragflation,-- people and the economy will be dragged down and we'll see the demise of Empire America. Data about inflation is manipulated to not give a true picture.
2008 04 28
Celente reacted to the engineered takeover of Bear Stearns Cos., calling it the St. Patrick's Day Massacre. The Federal Reserve is sacrificing the value of the dollar to bail out friends, and this is the start of the economic 9-11 he's predicted for 2008. We're going to go through an inflationary cycle like never before.
2008 03 17
Celente said we are heading into a global economic meltdown and inflationary spiral, noting that the price of oil rose $5 a barrel in one day.
Agribusiness won't be able to afford to ship foods long distances, so there'll be more of an emphasis on buying local. This downturn will be worse than the Great Depression, and crime (kidnappings, robberies) will be on the rise.
2008 03 05
Gerald Celente TranscriptTrendcaster GC was a guest in Streamlink's Live Chat for a one hour discussion on economic collapse and future trends. Below are excerpts from the Q & A.
Greetings from Cincinnati. Your thoughts on our current inflationary mess?
Look at prices of oil and the basket of commodities ... record levels. It's a simple formula ... the more the $ is devalued, the more everything costs. This is just the beginning. We ... and most of the world will experience an inflationary cycle as never before.
Mr. Celente, which event or trend in 2008 will have a significant impact or change on America - for better or worse over the next few years?
The Panic of '08. We forecast that the economic future will be worse than the Great Depression ... failing banks, brokerages, cities default ...
Can you give us insight as to whether or not we will remain a free market or will we be facing martial law?
Anything is possible ... If there is a terrorist attack or massive riots from an economic downturn ... as there were during the Depression, there could well be martial law. Also, we could see, as they did with the 1933 Emergency Banking Act, citizens forced to return their gold to the gov't.
Stark Raving
Gerald, thank you for this opportunity to chat. How do things look to you now vs. at the beginning of the year when your dire forecasts gained attention?
Current events form future trends. Look at the data between yesterday and today. The $ is at record lows against the euro. Oil $101, consumer confidence at five year lows, wholesale inflation up 7.4 percent. Home prices fell in Jan. to the lowest level since records began nine years ago ... it will all get much worse.
Government growth on all 3 levels seems to be growing at an unabated pace; how can this top heavy extortion of national wealth and liberty continue? Do you see major domestic unrest ahead?
You're correct ... gov't jobs are among the fastest growing field. There will be a retrenchment. Yes, we'll see tax protests, riots and unrest. Also, violent crime will be on the rise as well.
Green Tara
Mr. Celente, my question for you is, how do you see the Green or Eco movement going in America? It's starting to become more and more discussed, do you think it will ever become mainstream?
We call it the smart movement ... not green. This is going to one of the largest growth oppt'ys for decades ... "Conservation Engineers" ... Yankee frugality.
What would be the best career choice for college students?
Anything having to do with health care ... still oppty's in tech ... "green" is going to be really big ...
What can one person do to try and keep their neck above water in these kinds of times?
Don't buy a damn thing you don't need. Look for new opportunities by looking beyond the mainstream think. Local goods produced ... "clean foods", micro farming ... herbal remedies ... etc.
Gerald, the banking system seems to be very fragile due to the sub-prime mess. Do you expect the government to intervene as in England?
Yes ... get ready for some big crashes ... the more they bail them out, the more it costs us. There is a defacto devaluation of the $. The more they print, the cheaper it becomes. And they will print hundreds of billions to bail out banks.
What's the next commodity to move now that gold is so high?
It appears to be grains ... but gold has a long way to go. Accounting for inflation, it's $875 per ounce price in 1980 = over $2000 today. And today is much worse than 1980 ... I was trading gold back then as well and the conditions are much, much worse now for many reasons that I don't have the time to illustrate now ... i.e. back then there was no China, India or Russia in the markets competing for the metal on the exchanges.
Please don't forget that if Martial Law is declared, not only our gold will be taken, so will our guns, food, medicine, supplies … pretty much anything that could help us survive on our own without the help of the government.
You could be right ... but there are also counter movements, such as secessionist movements in Vermont etc... As the man said, "Now is the time for all good men (and women) to come to the aid of their country." When people understand they have power, they won't bend to political forces.
Following up. What kind of defensive position should we take personally and financially? Gold is a no brainer ... but what about food storage ... retiring to rural areas ... gaining self-sufficiency to the degree we can. Are these things we need to attend to now ... this year? I'm trying to get your deeply researched 'sense' of how fast things can get chaotic.
Plan now for the worst. I like small towns that have a self sufficient environment. That's why I live where I do (Upstate NY). Local farms and producers of just about everything I need. Also, think about an escape plan i.e. terrorism. When 9/11 happened I was prepared ... since I'd been writing about it happening for years ("2001 won't be our year, trend seer says," USA Today 14 Dec. 2000.) It costs nothing to be prepared. We don't provide financial advice, but we forecast that the Swiss franc will continue to strengthen against the $.
Would you recommend that people move out of the big cities and into a rural environment?
I'm originally a Bronx guy and have lived in cities for many years ... Now I live in a small town and have made investments in Kingston, NY ... the first capital of NY ... to me, it's the ideal model of what used to be great ... walking distance to much of what you need ... neighborhoods etc... There will be a big move to small towns ... especially as crime increases.
C2C, 2008 03 02
Trendcaster Celente commented on the recent fall of world financial markets. There is more debt worldwide than money to cover the bets. Back in December, he'd predicted the Panic of '08, an economic 9-11 worse than the Great Depression.
2008 01 21
Predictions Special: 2008Kicking off the New Year, Ian Punnett hosted Coast to Coast AM's annual prediction show featuring psychics and prognosticators sharing what they see coming in 2008. In order of guests' appearances, here are highlights:
- Trendcaster Gerald Celente: 2008 will bring an economic 9-11 in which big financial firms are going to collapse from the top down.
As greed and corruption are seeped out, there will be great opportunities for entrepreneurs to move into the failing system.
With the rise in food prices and property taxes, people can no longer afford things, and will revolt against the current tax system.
- Web bot analyst George Ure: The catastrophic collapse of the dollar will ignite a global meltdown.
- Paul Guercio of the Merlin Project: On the Democratic side, John Edwards and Barack Obama are the two likely candidates.
Global terrorism is going to make a "major comeback."
- Numerologist Glynis McCants: The 2008 World Number Cycle is a 1 (2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1). Everyone is impacted by this number but those with ambition and drive are to succeed.
Competition comes to the forefront, and it's helpful to write down goals.
The date of 8/8/08 will be noteworthy for something unusual, possibly of a political nature, occurring at the Olympics in China.
- Intuitive Sean David Morton: Entering a 1 year emphasizes our will, imagination and a reaffirmation of our sense of self and personal power.
The dollar will strengthen but the stock market will slowly deflate, heading down towards 8,000 - 9,000.
There will be more investment in the United States.
The film industry will shoot more in the US and the writer's strike will end in the first half of April.
The elite on the inside are terrified of Ron Paul's candidacy. He may end up running for the governor of Texas.
- Astrologer Mark Lerner: A triangular pattern of Jupiter and Saturn represents opportunities and potential for financial advancement. The week or two before the dates of Jan. 21, Sept. 8th, and Nov. 21 has particular momentum in that regard.
The Federal Reserve could be entering a dangerous situation due to the positioning of Pluto.
The dollar will continue to crumble and investments in gold and commodities are advised.
2008 01 01
Celente checked in. Though we may be entering a cultural American renaissance, we are in the midst of a recessionary period not unlike the late 70's-- investing in precious metals such as gold is good insurance.
2007 04 12
Predictions Special 2007In our New Year's Day Special, George Noory welcomed guests who shared predictions for 2007. In order of appearance, here are highlights:
- Psychic Joseph Jacobs: 2007 will be a heavy year with casualties as a result of war, climate and terrorism.
Jan. 31st through March 24th, the US economy will hit a wall as well as in September and October. Florida will have problems during Sept/Oct. Japan could have water problems such as a tsunami during the May 15th through Oct. 17th period. China could show a belligerent side involving military activity from the end of February through April 1st. Info about UFOs will be revealed in 2007.
- Paul Guercio and Dr. George Hart of the Merlin Project: Russia will be making a resurgence; China can dictate the strength of the U.S. dollar. The lull in terrorism will change in 2007. John Edwards (with Barack Obama as his VP), Gov. Mitt Romney, and Mike Bloomberg (running under a third-party) are Presidential candidates in the '08 race. Hillary Clinton's campaign will collapse.
- Numerologist Glynis McCants: 2007, a 9 year, is about true communication. It's a better year to talk things through than 2006, with accountability.
- Seer and astropsychologist Dr. Louis Turi: 2007 will be one of the most shocking years for natural disasters, quakes and volcanoes. Devastating earthquakes in the US/Asia in February and August 2007. Scary news concerning US nuclear plants will arise, with a possible accident. Airlines will merge, as well as TV networks. A new bacterial disease will hit in March. Children will be more susceptible to negative forces and illnesses. An increase in heart attacks will occur, triggering new surgical & medical treatments. Specific dates of concern for January: Jan. 3rd-- shocking bad news, Jan. 12th, Jan. 19th. Specific dates of concern for February: Feb. 1st/ 9th/ 17th/ & 28th.
- Intuitive Sean David Morton: 2007 will see a great division between people listening to their inner voice and those that don't. The Dow Jones will go over 13,000 but this is being driven by only 30 companies that are merging and buying each other. This is not a good thing for the economy. It will precede a global collapse. The US inflation rate will hit 20-25%. After the US dollar is devalued, the Amero, a currency for use in the US, Canada and Mexico will be introduced.
- Celente: Medical Tourism in which Americans are increasingly going overseas for medical treatment (dental and plastic surgery) will continue to grow this year. There are entrepreneurial opportunities for Americans in China, which still looks towards the US for innovation. An Internet candidate for President could rise to prominence in 2007.
2007 01 01
Founder of the Trends Research Institute, Celente, talked about the economy in 2004, clean food trends, the terrorism outlook.
2004 01 18
"We're all architects of our future because of decisions we've made along the way," said Celente. He described himself as a political atheist who sees the possibility of either a renaissance or a decline in America's future. He believes the U.S. economy would be hugely impacted by another terrorist attack and that the nation still hasn't recovered economically from 9-11. Missing weapons of mass destruction from the former Soviet Union, which may have been sold on the black market, could be used in such an attack. "I don't call it terrorism, I call it warfare. I think we're going to go to a global age where people redefine their purpose," and the United States with its great diversity and freedom could be the epicenter of such change. Other forecasts were the continued growth of the health field, the dark horse candidacy of Howard Dean potentially taking hold in the 2004 election, and the eventual move to a new form of alternative energy.
Middle Class Revolt?Celente, believes there could be a middle class revolt brewing in the near future of the United States. Last year, when I interviewed him for After Dark, he told that a mounting dissatisfaction of the populace could boil over into a widespread protest, that would cut across all ages and ethnicities.
"They were the jobless Gen X-ers, the tax protestors, retirees with devalued pensions, the underemployed, the working poor, the downsized and out, the aware and the unbuffaloed from every state of society. It should have come as no surprise when the 90% of the nation who said they wanted change, demanded change," writes Celente in his book Trends 2000.
"The country has been hijacked from us," Celente told, commenting that people increasingly view our two-party political system as actually a one party system, offering no choice. While the recent anti-war movement had strong numbers, it's hard to imagine how a more massive revolt could get rolling. "The pain hasn't set in yet. All of a sudden we're starting to read about the 68-70 year olds who have to go back to work because pensions have been lost. We're not in the heat of a political race right now. It's an in-between time; the denial is still rampant. But all we need is a catalyzing factor and (it) will happen. It's hard to tell. It may be a war, it may be an environmental disaster, it may be an economic depression."
2003 07 15
Celente is well respected for his track record of picking business, consumer, political, and economic trends before they come to pass. It is his job to see the future and understand how the issues and events of today will determine the trends of tomorrow.
2002 07 09
Global Financial CrisisFinancial advisor David Smick analysed the global financial predicament. The economic crisis goes beyond the subprime loan/mortgage implosion-- it reveals problems in our financial architecture, and a lack of trust in institutions. We look at a "perfect storm" of financial trouble, with the bursting of as many as eight other bubbles, including the commercial real estate market, adding up to a loss of $200 trillion.
We allowed the leveraging of financial institutions to get out of hand-- government regulators were "asleep at the switch". European countries and other nations are likely in a worse situation than America since they are export dependent, and exports are dropping off. European banks are exposed to Emerging Market debt. The civil unrest and chaos in Greece, fueled by unemployed youth, could spread to Spain, Italy and France.
Innovation and risk taking are drying up because of the lack of capital. Obama's stimulus plan could end up creating a "debt bomb" and may not employ many of the laid off white collar workers. Banks in the U.S. may have to be nationalized to deal with the crisis.
On this day in 1128, the military order Knights Templar was granted a papal sanction, declared to be an army of God by Pope Honorius II., 2009 01 13
Voir si une banque échoue via
Le Zimbabwe met en circulation un billet de 100 trillions. Hyperinflation. 100 000 000 000 000 = 30 USD max. L'inflation sur un an est de 231 M % en 07 2008.
Ben Shalom Bernanke exige un 2e plan de relance de 350 G USD.
2009 01 17
J. de Mtl
Pronostics du FMISelon le Fonds monétaire international (FMI), la croissance mondiale sera de 0,5 % en 2009, taux le plus bas depuis la 2e Grande Guerre.
En octobre 2008, on prévoyait 2,2 %.
51 M d'emplois seraient perdus selon l'Organisation internationale du travail.
La reprise viendra en 2010 avec 1,1 % dans les pays développés.
Métro, 2009 01 29
Eastman Kodak supprimera 4000 ± 500 emplois.
Métro, 2009 01 30
Le 15 septembre 2007, Keith Farrand, gestionnaire de portefeuilles chez Claret craignait la récession. Pessimiste face aux marchés boursiers mondiaux, il disait "La tendance à la baisse va se poursuivre". Le problème des prêts hypothécaires risqués consentis par les américains a contaminé le reste de l'économie. Endettés, les consommateurs américains réduisent leurs dépenses. L'immobilier est un secteur touché parmi d'autres. Il croyait que la récession américaine surviendrait entre 1,5 et 2 ans. 3 mois plus tard, c'était fait. Les cycles économiques sont de 7-8 ans. La dernière récession US est celle de 2001-2. Par ricochet, le Canada est affecté par ses exportations. QC et ON sont plus touchés que AB et TN-L (dans un boom pétrolier).
J. de Mtl, Votre argent, 2009 02 06
Bombardier supprime 1360 postes à Montréal, Wichita et Belfast.
Désigner un successeur ou un bénéficiaire au CÉLI
Avant d'enregistrer le compte, il importe de connaitre la différence et de savoir si la province dans laquelle vous résidez actuellement permet de désigner.
- Un successeur doit être votre époux/se ou conjoint(e) de fait qui héritera de votre compte advenant votre décès. Le CÉLI sera enregistré sous le nom de cette personne et elle sera en mesure de cotiser ou retirer des fonds comme détentrice du CÉLI.
- Un bénéficiaire peut être n'importe qui. Si le CÉLI comporte un seul bénéficiaire, les fonds seront versés en espèces au bénéficiaire sans être enregistrés au CÉLI.
- AB
- BC
- PE
- NT
- NS
- SK
- NB
- ON
- NL
- YT
- MB
- Nunavut = Non permis à l'heure actuelle
La province suivante n'offre pas cette option :
- Québec = Non permis
Distinction sociétale.
Le CÉLI est pratiquement identique au REÉR mais ne génère aucun remboursement d’impôt lors d’une contribution et n’est pas imposable lors de son retrait.
Il n’y a pas de différence entre un REÉR et un CÉLI si leur rendement est identique et si le taux marginal d’imposition lors de la contribution et du retrait du REÉR est le même.
Supposons que l’on gagne 1 452$ de revenu imposable et que l’on contribue à un REÉR ou à un CÉLI.
Pour le REÉR, on peut verser le montant brut avant impôt au complet pour générer un revenu d’investissement. Présumons un rendement de 4%, les fonds du REÉR atteindront 2 145$ en 10 ans. Montant imposable lors du retrait. En supposant qu’un taux marginal d’imposition de 31,15% sera appliqué, il faudra verser 669$ d’impôt, ce qui laissera 1 480$ net.
Quant au CÉLI, il faut d’abord payer l’impôt sur le revenu de 1 452$. Pour un taux d’imposition marginal de 31,15%, il restera 1 000$ à verser au CÉLI. Si le taux de rendement est le même (4%), les fonds du CÉLI atteindront 1 480$ après 10 ans. Lors du retrait du CÉLI, les 1 480$ ne sont pas imposables.
REÉR et CÉLI produisent le même résultat.
Il n’y a de différence que si le taux marginal d’imposition lors de la contribution au REÉR n’est pas le même qu’au moment du retrait du REÉR.
La contribution à un REÉR est préférable si le taux d’imposition marginal au moment de la contribution est supérieur au taux d’imposition marginal au moment du retrait. Plus cet écart est important, plus le REÉR est avantageux.
Le CÉLI est préférable lorsque le taux marginal d’impôt à la contribution est inférieur au taux marginal d’impôt lors du retrait. Le taux marginal d’impôt à la retraite sera affecté par les autres sources de revenus : retraits de REÉR, prestations de sécurité de vieillesse et SRG.
Camillo Lento, Faculté d’administration des affaires, Lakehead University in Contact Costco 09-10 2009
REER ou CELICELILe CELI complémente le REER. Efficace pour mettre de l’argent de côté pour les projets à plus court terme qu’une retraite. Contrairement au REER, l’argent investi dans un CELI ne peut être déduit du revenu imposable quand vient le temps de remplir sa déclaration fiscale (payer l’impôt sur ces sommes l’année de l’investissement). Capital et intérêts sont libres d’impôt lorsque retirés. Outil idéal pour investir et retirer pendant que l’on travaille.
Plafond de cotisation : 5 000 $ pour 2009 (montant indexé à venir). Les montants inutilisés sont reportés.
Date limite : 31 décembre de l’année en cours. Pour l’année financière 2009, investir dans un CELI avant le 31 12 2009. Les cotisations inutilisées sont reportées à l’année suivante et le capital investi n’est pas déduit du revenu imposable.
Pour quiconque veut investir davantage en vue de sa retraite. Ou pour du court terme (pour une maison ou voyager).
Un CELI peut être mis en garantie pour contracter un prêt.
Aucune incidence des retraits sur les programmes sociaux. Le montant retiré d’un CELI n’influe en rien sur le revenu imposable (l’impôt sur le capital est payé au moment de l’investissement) et n’a aucun impact sur les programmes sociaux.
Aucune échéance.
REEROutil de prédilection pour planifier ses vieux jours, le REER reporte à la retraite ou au moment de retirer son épargne les impôts sur l’argent investi et les intérêts. Très avantageux. Les taux d’imposition sont plus bas à la retraite où les revenus sont moins élevés que pendant la vie active.
Plafond de cotisation : 18 % du revenu gagné l’année précédente, jusqu’à 21 000 $ pour 2009. Les montants inutilisés sont reportés.
Où investir : Dans les placements garantis à taux fixes (bons d’épargne), les placements risqués liés au marché (actions) ou les hybrides, avec un capital garanti et un rendement lié au marché.
Date limite : Le dernier jour du mois de février de l’année suivante.
Pour quiconque souhaite une retraite plus confortable que celle offerte par la RRQ et pour ceux qui ne sont pas adeptes de la simplicité volontaire.
Pas de mise en garantie pour contracter un prêt. Les REER étant protégés en cas de faillite depuis juillet 2008, une banque refuse de les mettre en garantie pour prêter.
Incidence des retraits sur les programmes sociaux : L’argent retiré d’un REER s’ajoute au revenu imposable, ce qui diminue des prestations comme les chèques de TPS.
Échéance : À partir de 71 ans, il n’est plus possible d’investir dans un REER. Commencer alors à retirer l’argent.
Maxime Johnson. Jobboom, 2009 02
CÉLI – TFSA, 2009 01 01Le CÉLI, compte d'épargne libre d'impôt, ne discrimine pas comme le REÉR. Toutes les classes sociales sont incluses et ce, indépendamment du revenu gagné.
Sera indexé par tranches de 500 $ au taux d'inflation.
Perte en capital non déductible.
Admissible pour ristourne de la Caisse.
2009 01 11
Le taux d'épargne au CA est à 3 % en 2008, mais était de 20 %+ au début des années 1980.
J. de Mtl & Desjardins
Le CÉLI démarre à la vitesse grand V. Des institutions financières comparent l’achalandage et l’engouement pour le CELI à une semaine de février en campagne REÉR. Chez ING direct, 200 000 personnes ouvrent un CÉLI et ING engrange 1 G $. Desjardins a plus de 100 000 comptes. Pour un plafond annuel de 5000$ par personne de 18 ans+, on dépose environ 4000$.
Les grandes institutions financières dirigent leur mise en marché vers les CPG ou comptes d’épargne. Avec des taux fermés de 3 ou 4%, elles remplissent leurs coffres.
Est-ce à l’avantage du client de souscrire un CÉLI dans un CPG fermé de 5 ans? Criterion, offrant des fonds environnementaux, juge que dans le contexte actuel, les CPG cachent des risques. Mark Noble de démontre que les faibles valeurs boursières représentent une occasion.
Un tiens vaut mieux que deux tu l’auras. On persiste à vendre des actions pour les ans à venir.
2009 01 16
A Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) shelters investments from tax. $5,000 in a 5% GIC and a 40% taxation rate will yield 47% more than a regular account in 20 years. Contributing $5,000 annually will deliver $35,000 more. For $5,000, Year 1, gain $100 more, Year 5 $585, Year 10 $1,424, Year 20 $4,235.
Predictable. Profitable. Secure.
2009 01 20
Achieva Financial: Big Returns. No Risk.