The Happiness Gene
Researcher Dr. Laurie Nadel and author James D. Baird talked about the happiness gene. The new science of epigenetics suggests that people can use their minds to turn on and off genes. There is a biological basis for us to be happy. Our environment and thoughts affect our genes. They have put together a 28-day plan for people to change habits and become more happy, which involves relaxation exercises, and rebooting our internal environment.
C2C 2010 05 06
Exploring the Dark Side
Researcher Dr. Laurie Nadel and author James D. Baird talked about the happiness gene. The new science of epigenetics suggests that people can use their minds to turn on and off genes. There is a biological basis for us to be happy. Our environment and thoughts affect our genes. They have put together a 28-day plan for people to change habits and become more happy, which involves relaxation exercises, and rebooting our internal environment.
C2C 2010 05 06
Exploring the Dark Side
Past-Life Therapy
Dr. Brian Weiss, psychiatrist, discussed past-life therapy including amazing stories from around the world of clinical, physical, and emotional healing, including weight loss and personal transformations. His hypnosis technique of progressive relaxation, a 10-15 min process (faster for those experienced with hypnosis) allows him to take people back to their previous lives. Many people are able to have phobias, pain, and mental blocks removed or lessened after they re-experience a past-life trauma. A person with neck pain might have died from strangulation or hanging. These events aren't painful to remember because the subject is watching them from a distance.
One of his clients, an obese woman, discovered a past life in which she died of starvation at a concentration camp. After this realization, she was finally able to lose the extra weight. Another overweight woman experienced sex abuse in a past life, and was using weight to be less attractive to men in this life. Fragments from past lives emerge in dreams. Weiss shared one of his own dreams of being a Catholic priest during the Inquisition who was tortured for teaching forbidden subjects.
After a person dies, their soul can reincarnate within a day or a century-- there is no time on the Other Side, and the return to a new body depends on the needs of the soul, and the timing of who they are coming back with (souls often reincarnate with the same or similar groups). Fascinatingly, soul splitting might be possible, in which a soul experiences simultaneous lives. Some of his clients have reported that in distant past lives, some 10,000-30,000 years ago, they migrated to Earth from other planets.
C2C, 2009 11 11
George Noory was joined by author Debbie Ford, who discussed why our dark side-- suppressed emotions and unresolved internal conflicts-- leads to destructive behavior. We are taught to hide and suppress negative aspects of ourselves such as being angry, selfish, or mean. By not accepting these parts, people end up sabotaging themselves, and seeing these traits surface in unwanted ways.
George Noory was joined by author Debbie Ford, who discussed why our dark side-- suppressed emotions and unresolved internal conflicts-- leads to destructive behavior. We are taught to hide and suppress negative aspects of ourselves such as being angry, selfish, or mean. By not accepting these parts, people end up sabotaging themselves, and seeing these traits surface in unwanted ways.
The dark side is not equated with evil, but rather part of being human. Through shadow work, people make peace with themselves, and find compassion for their imperfections. The process begins by naming the thing you like best about yourself, and figuring out what the opposite of that is-- that is one shadow trait. Once a person's different shadow aspects are identified, through activities such as journaling, traits are understood, attended to, and integrated into one's persona.
C2C, 2009 10 05
Alternative Health Special
Alternative Health Special
In a special 4-hour show, 5 guests addressed alternative health and medical issues. Dr. Len Horowitz reported on vaccine dangers, citing the case of a teenage girl in the U.K. who died immediately after receiving a vaccine said to protect against the human papilloma virus. Such vaccines have hideously toxic ingredients like mercury and adjuvants. Len Saputo M.D. spoke about the importance of using a holistic approach in medicine. People should only consider drugs/surgery for a medical problem after they have exhausted other avenues, such as lifestyle changes, and vitamins/supplements.
Dr. Anthony Horan detailed how PSA blood test returns far too many false positives (as high as 70%) in diagnosing prostate cancer. Procedures to treat prostate cancer such as radical surgery and radiation may cause more problems than they fix. A patient with prostate cancer (which is one of the slowest acting cancers) would be better off having a limited freeze (cryotherapy) of the primary site, to stall the spread of the disease. He recommended a heart healthy/low fat diet to reduce the chances of getting prostate cancer.
Dr. Fred Bisci discussed reversing Type 2 diabetes with a raw food or health regimen diet. Type 2 diabetes is lifestyle related, brought on by eating too many processed foods. While there are different emphases in raw food, such as fruit vs. greens/sprouts, the common denominator in healing, is leaving out the processed and unhealthy foods.
Dr. Michael Holick addressed how Vitamin D deficiency is widespread in America, and can lead to diseases. People are no longer getting enough Vitamin D from sun exposure, and he recommended taking daily supplements of it-- 1,500-2,000 IU for adults, and 1,000 IU for children. Wear sun protection on the face, and expose arms and legs to direct sunshine a couple of times a week.
C2C, 2009 09 30
Salaires : 15 médecins payés plus de 1 000 000 $
15 MD québécois ont facturé plus d'un million $ à la RAMQ en 2007. 569 ont touché moins de 25 000$.
L'écart de rémunération est énorme selon les données répertoriées. Les MD qui ont facturé plus d'un million sont majoritairement radiologistes, selon le ministère de la Santé.Ils assument des frais pour l'achat d'équipements représentant 70 % de la rémunération. Le Québec est loin de l'Ontario où 160 médecins ont facturé un million et plus pour la même année. La rémunération a fait un bond spectaculaire ces dernières années alors qu'on ne comptait aucun MD facturant dans les 7 chiffres.Salaires : 15 médecins payés plus de 1 000 000 $
15 MD québécois ont facturé plus d'un million $ à la RAMQ en 2007. 569 ont touché moins de 25 000$.
Paul G. Brunet du Conseil de protection des malades reconnaît que les MD ont de bonnes rémunérations. «Avant l'assurance-hospitalisation, il y avait des patients qui faisaient faillite pour être soignés, mais aussi des médecins qui faisaient faillite.»
Pour le Dr Louis Godin, président de la Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens, l'écart qui sépare les médecins de famille de certains spécialistes est inquiétant. «Les dernières augmentations des spécialistes ont été supérieures aux nôtres».
La rémunération moyenne des omnipraticiens (165 668 $) est la plus basse après celle des spécialistes en médecine communautaire (121 855 $).
Plus de 1 000 médecins réclament moins de 50 000 $ à la RAMQ. Parmi eux, des nouveaux, des préretraités, des mères. Il y en a qui pratiquent 25 % dans le public et le reste pour des organismes comme la CSST ou la RRQ.
22 omnipraticiens ont touché plus de 500 000 $ en 2007. Des gens qui travaillent très fort, qui ne sont pas souvent à la maison.
Selon Brunet, il faut toutefois éviter de tomber dans le piège de comparer les rémunérations entre les provinces, qui sont plus élevées qu'au Québec à plusieurs endroits. «Un condo qui va coûter 400 000 $ sur le Plateau Mont-Royal, va en coûter 800 000 à Vancouver».
Le problème des dépenses en santé est davantage dans la bureaucratie trop lourde que dans la rémunération.
Éric Yvan Lemay, J. de Mtl, 2009 05 11
Mind Viruses & Genetics
Mind Viruses & Genetics
Renowned author and speaker on self-development Dr. Wayne Dyer and foremost authority in bridging science and spirit Dr. Bruce Lipton discussed how genes and DNA do not control our body. Memes, or mind viruses, are infecting our population. Viruses duplicate, infiltrate, and spread. So it is with mental or cultural beliefs which people have been programmed with, Dyer noted. 95% of behavior stems from thoughts and beliefs stored in the subconscious mind, and most of these came from others, and tend to be self-sabotaging, Lipton pointed out.
Using the habitual mind (or subconscious), people have a lot of excuses in their head as to why they can't effect change-- such as 'I'm too old,' 'too busy'. When you change the way you look at things, things start to change. You can overcome limiting ideas, and not always believe everything you think-- most of which doesn't hold up.
Lipton talked about his understanding of epigenetics-- how genetic change in people occurs through adjusting perceptions. We can be the architects of our genetic blueprint, and use the stem cells within our body to manifest miracles. The human community is going through an evolutionary upheaval, moving past the mental programming that emphasizes our separateness from one another.
C2C, 2009 06 09
Medicated Military
Medicated Military
Dr. Ann Blake Tracy discussed the widespread use of antidepressants among US combat troops. 90% of returning vets are taking some SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) to deal with the trauma of war. A Japanese Health Ministry study found a causal connection between antidepressants and violence.
Tracy was joined by Stan White, who lost one son in combat and another to a lethal combination of drugs prescribed to help him cope with PTSD. White is searching nationwide for military personnel who have spontaneously died from toxic effects of mixing antidepressants, antipsychotics, and pain medication.
C2C, 2009 05 23
Flu Special
Flu Special
George Noory hosted an examination and analysis of the recent swine flu outbreak. Dr. Gary Ridenour said this virus could further mutate and become more dangerous. We could see mass school closings and work outages in the U.S., and in a worst-case scenario, 5-15 million people dying. There is a 40% chance that the new virus is man-made, and released accidentally or intentionally.
Alex Jones and Stephen Quayle agreed the new swine virus was not natural. It's a genetically altered bioweapon, possibly being beta-tested in the field to target specific races, Quayle contended. Jones cited experts in the field, pointing toward the virus being designed. He noted how unusual it is for a flu virus to start out of season, and not come from the East.
Quayle suggested the virus may be part of a global plan to reduce the population, and that the mysterious deaths of microbiologists in recent years could be connected to this outbreak-- scientists who could help stop a pandemic were taken out. Jones posited the idea that flu fears could be deliberate hype by the government in order to distract the public from other issues.
C2C, 2009 04 28
Food expert Jeffrey M. Smith discussed how genetically engineered Franken-foods are ubiquitous on the dinner table. He listed health issues related to foods. People are dangerously unaware of how widespread genetically influenced ingredients are. He called genetically modified soy and corn derivatives omnipresent due to their use in processed food.
For ending the influx of genetically modified foods, the power is in the hands of the average shopper. Consumer backlash against genetically engineered tomatoes and potatoes knocked them out of supermarkets. He praised the European consumers response to the issue, which was so overwhelming that within ten weeks, major food companies stopped using GM ingredients. In America, if 5% of shoppers stopped buying foods with genetically modified ingredients, companies would cease using them for fear of losing business.
C2C, 2009 04 24
Dr. Betty Martini gave an update on the dangers of aspartame, the artificial sweetener used in hundreds of products such as diet sodas and chewing gum. She cited studies connecting aspartame usage with cancer and diabetes. When using the sweetener in combination with other additives such as MSG, it can inhibit nerve growth. She recommended natural alternatives such as Just Like Sugar.
C2C, 2009 03 13
Contaminated Vaccines & Bird Flu
Contaminated Vaccines & Bird Flu
Alex Jones and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny discussed contaminated vaccines and Bird Flu. Jones reported that Baxter International had released live avian flu viruses in vaccines made at its plant in Austria. There was conjecture this was done intentionally as part of a conspiracy to provoke a pandemic.
Dr. Tenpenny suggested that Baxter's contaminated vaccines were probably the result of sloppy practices rather than an intentional act. She warned that vaccinations can actually contribute to deaths rather than prevent them, by weakening the immune system and increasing susceptibility. People who have been exposed to chemicals such as dioxin may be more likely to succumb to viruses.
C2C, 2009 03 11
Fluoride risks
Fluoride risks
Director of the Fluoride Action Network, Paul Connett and leading dentist in the fight against fluoride, Dr. Bill Osmunson discussed dangers and risks of fluoride in toothpaste and drinking water. The addition of fluoride to the water supply was begun in 1945 with the idea that it would reduce dental decay. But kids are being overexposed (32% have dental fluorosis), and 23 studies have shown that fluoride lowers IQ in children.
Fluoride concentrates inside bones and makes them more brittle and causes problems akin to arthritis. Because molecules are small, fluoride is not removed by smaller filters such as Brita. Reverse osmosis filters remove it, but people are exposed during bathing. The Internet will end fluoridation, as the truth can't be hidden anymore.
"This is a time of economic crisis. If we were to stop fluoridation tomorrow, we would save millions of dollars in chemicals, equipment, testing, and (...) promotion of fluoridation. Millions of dollars would be saved in cities, in towns, and in the federal government if we stopped fluoridation. But we would also save millions of dollars from people from not having to get medicines for gastrointestinal problems, headaches, pain in the joints." --Dr. Paul Connett
C2C, 2009 01 14