Prophetic Dreams & ET Disclosure
Intuitive researcher and lecturer David Wilcock discussed his prophetic dreams and confirmations of major social realignment beginning this fall, potential for an ET disclosure from the U.S. government, and new information that evolution is driven by galactic energy fields. His series of dreams depicted an asteroid being moved into position in order to wipe out part of the Earth's population, and then a huge apparition of the Virgin Mary stopping the asteroid with her hand. He views this imagery symbolically. It represents the Illuminati's plan to reduce the world's population through economic collapse, Swine Flu, and war & conflagration. Inside sources have informed him America is on the verge of a horrific set of economic events, including the dismantling of the Federal Reserve.
The Illuminati's agenda could be halted by a full-scale disclosure of the ET presence. Sources have told him that such a disclosure is planned to occur before the end of 2009, and a 2-hour international TV special has already been booked that will introduce an alien species, similar to humans, to the world. A variety of ET species are visiting the Earth, including the Annunaki, who are reptilian in appearance, and a controlling force behind the Illuminati.
The solar system is undergoing change as a galactic wave or energy field comes in, making planets hotter, brighter and more magnetic. This wave is pushing humanity to evolve to the next level or frequency. A spacecraft was secretly sent out to study the wave, and it was determined it will lead to planetary cataclysm between 2012-2017.
C2C, 2009 10 07
Roswell Revelations
Experts in the Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash of 1947 Tom Carey & Don Schmitt discussed their continued investigation into the case, and interviewing of witnesses, some of whom saw alien bodies. The Roswell Incident remains the only case where the USAF admitted UFOs were ET in origin, even though they retracted that statement. Schmitt noted the Air Force used brutal tactics to keep witnesses silent. The story was buried for 30 years, until Jesse Marcel Sr. went public in the 1970s.
600 witnesses to the UFO crash have been accumulated, and the Air Force's explanation of Project Mogul (balloon testing) falls apart. The cover-up in 1947 has been engaged in because of the widespread panic over the War of the Worlds radio broadcast years earlier, as well as the start of the Cold War. The late Lt. Walter Haut said he saw 3 small alien bodies (2 in body bags) at the base hangar, and their craft, which he described as being the size of a Volkswagen Beetle.
Eli Benjamin, a member of the 390th Squadron, was still emotional, when talking about seeing the species of little people, whom he believed were not of this Earth. Sgt. Bill Ennis of the 393rd Bomb Squad admitted that the craft they recovered was a spaceship. The holy grail for the Roswell case is the physical evidence/debris, such as the memory metal, light as a feather yet ultra strong, and able to resume its original shape after being crumpled up. Roswell researcher Anthony Bragalia reported on the work of Dr. Howard Cross who studied the mysterious metal while working at the Battelle Memorial Institute.
C2C, 2009 06 03
Investigative journalist Paola Harris talked about UFO and ET phenomena and shared information from top researchers and whistleblowers. She discussed Exopolitics, the study of ET presence on Earth and its social and political implications for mankind. Here are her observations:
UFO/ET visitations are a planetary phenomenon, seen in countries besides the USA.
The late John Mack believed later-stage abductees were directly downloaded with data rather than being taken aboard craft.
Mary Rodwell (Australia) and Yvonne Smith, author of the book Chosen are two people working in ufology whose work she was impressed with.
Revelations from the Vatican about ET contact by Monsignor Balducci, suggest that key institutions are positioning themselves for disclosure.
The late Col. Philip Corso wrote of an encounter with an alien that came out of a cave when he was working at Red Canyon (White Sands, NM missile range) in 1957. It telepathically asked him to turn off military radar so their craft could take off.
There are many types of aliens visiting our planet, sources say as many as 57 different species. Some don't have bodies but appear as intelligent balls of light.
Harris believes that UFO phenomena is intertwined with aspects of the paranormal such as different dimensions and ESP, as well as Earth mysteries like crop circles and Bigfoot. She recommended the video clip Amazing NASA UFO footage, in which Jaime Maussan gives a presentation at the 2009 International UFO Congress. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByiwI8uSAF4
C2C, 2009 05 12
UFOs & Demonic Activity
Traditional Catholic Benedictine Monk for over 15 years, Brother Michael Dimond discussed his belief that UFOs/aliens are demonic spiritual entities. UFOs are reported to appear and disappear, change color and shape, and seem like they are alive. These are characteristics of non-material or spiritual phenomena rather than inanimate physical objects. The idea that ETs traveling such vast distances to get to Earth doesn't make sense.
The demons' masquerade as UFOs/aliens, as part of the devil's plan to deceive humankind and cause them to lose faith in the one true religion, Catholicism. Dimond believes we're in the final phase of the Last Days, and witnessing the demonic deception of signs and wonders prophecied in the Bible. In 1947, Jack Parsons conducted a Satanic ritual at the future site of Area 51. An interdimensional gateway that allowed evil entities to come through was opened, and UFOs have proliferated.
Cases of alien abduction are demonic visitations. Dimond described his encounters with demons in which he suffered invisible attacks and heard sounds of the devil's activity including chains, crashing, and growling.
C2C, 2009 05 26
UFO Disclosure
Researcher Grant Cameron and activist Stephen Bassett discussed the UFO disclosure movement, and US presidents and their knowledge of UFOs/ETs. Bassett announced that Cameron's forthcoming book, U.S. Presidents and UFOs: The Untold Story, has been picked by Overlook Press. Cameron gave a rundown on what presidents have known about UFOs:
Truman was involved with the Roswell Incident, and had the most control of all presidents in keeping secrets.
Eisenhower: ET meeting in 1954.
LBJ: meetings about the Kecksburg Crash.
Nixon showed alien bodies to Jackie Gleason.
Carter had his UFO sighting, and helped to open the door for Freedom of Information documents.
Reagan made references to aliens in his speeches, and confirmed ETs to Steven Spielberg.
C2C, 2009 03 26
UFO Intercept
USAF fighter pilot Milton Torres was ordered to intercept a UFO while he was stationed in England. In 1957, his jet got within firing distance of a craft that sped off at Mach 10. Returning to the ground, he was told if he talked, he'd lose his flying status.
C2C, 2009 04 23
UFOs & Disinformation
Researcher into alternative realities, John Michael Greer discussed his book The UFO Phenomenon, which looks at how disinformation and mythologies play into belief systems about UFOs. The dialogue about UFOs has been stuck with opposing assumptions: UFOs are alien spacecraft and the skeptics' point of view declaring that they don't exist.
No hypothesis can account for all UFO cases. People lump them together with the same explanation. Individuals tend to project their cultural beliefs on the unexplained. Sightings could be related to earthquake lights, a natural phenomenon generated with tectonic effects.
Military disinformation efforts, such as by Air Force intelligence in the US, is related to sightings. They encourage the explanation of alien craft to cover up their own activities which they don't admit. The 1952 flap, where UFOs were seen over Washington, might have been such a disinformation effort.
C2C, 2009 03 19
ET Policy & Disclosure
Pioneer in the development of Exopolitics, Michael Salla spoke about how government policies evolve around the issue of ET and UFO disclosure, a process that began with Steven Greer's 2001 press event. He foresees gradual steps by the Obama administration to move towards openness about UFO sightings, and admissions of microbes on other planets such as Mars. There could be the acknowledgment of intelligent ET life.
Key players in the Obama administration around the disclosure issue include Hillary Clinton, briefed on the Rockefeller Initiative in 1995, and Dennis Blair, the Director of National Intelligence, familiar with USOs (unidentified submerged objects) as a Navy admiral. Conditioning the public through mass media, such as popular films with ET subjects, is propelling the issue forward.
Salla reviewed whistleblower testimony, such as that of Airman 2nd Class Wilbur Kirtland (pseudonym), a medic who worked at Holloman AFB in 1955, when Eisenhower met with ETs and signed an agreement with them. Kirtland said he overheard two pilots talking about a 45-minute meeting that took place aboard a flying saucer. A witness, an electrician, said he saw the alien ship land at the base.
C2C, 2009 03 16
Search for ET Life
Senior astronomer at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), Seth Shostak talked about his new book Confessions of an Alien Hunter, and the search of ET life. The evidence that extraterrestrials have visited Earth in recent years is weak, and witness testimony is unreliable. It is possible that aliens seeded our planet in its earliest stages with single cell life.
Life on ET worlds would probably have some resemblance to ours if the beings were biological. The life forms would have molecules similar to DNA, though they wouldn't necessarily look human. The newly launched Kepler Mission will search for Earth-like planets, and depending on its findings, could offer locations for SETI to search for radio signals.
Shostak holds out hope for SETI's Allen Array which will have 350 antennas at completion and offer unprecedented data and scanning capabilities. He discussed what happens when an anomalous signal is discovered, such as a 1997 incident, found to be interference, that attracted immediate media attention.
C2C, 2009 03 11
UFOs & Nuclear Sites
UFO researcher Robert Hastings discussed declassified documents, and witness testimony that confirms UFO incursions at nuclear weapons sites. UFO activity accelerated after WWII, around the time that testing and deploying of nuclear weapons began in America. The premise was that the unidentified craft were Soviet. Hastings thinks we're dealing with multiple races from multiple worlds.
He's had contact with over 100 military employees who knew of UFO activity that occurred when they worked at facilities between 1964 and 1996. There was an incident at Malmstrom AFB in March 1967 where a large red disc-shaped object was seen over the missile area, and 10 missiles simultaneously went offline. This technological display of shutting off the missiles seemed to be sending a message or wagging a finger.
Missiles also went into launch mode at Minot AFB when a bright object was seen over the launch site. An episode in Soviet Ukraine occurred in October 1982, when missiles were activated at an ICBM base while a saucer-shaped object was observed nearby. A 1964 test of a nuclear missile sent across the Pacific Ocean was said to be thwarted in progress by a UFO, and the incident filmed.
"I don't have any great insight into what's going on, nor do my military sources. They're just people out in the field who've had these experiences, close-up and personal. It's within the realm of possibility that whoever they are in these craft could be trying to prevent a nuclear war because they intend to invade the Earth and don't want to inherit a radioactive planet." --Robert Hastings
C2C, 2009 02 18
Life in the Galaxy
Astronomer Alan Boss believes mankind is at a turning point in its quest for discovering extraterrestrial life. There are 100 billion stars in our galaxy. Most have planets, many of which could be rocky like Earth. The rate of exoplanet detection is increasing, and with the upcoming launch of the Kepler Mission, we'll find more worlds.
C2C, 2009 02 06
Recovered UFOs & ETs
UFO researcher and former U.S. Army Sergeant, Clifford Stone spoke about his covert military work, helping to recover crashed discs, and communicating with ETs. In one operation, his team came upon a heel-shaped craft embedded in the ground, and an alien, similar to what is described as a "grey," lying outside the ship. Having had ET encounters as a child, Stone said he was called upon to communicate with the captured alien being, who was being held in a military facility. The ET had chalk-like grey skin, and large black eyes with vertical slits, and the two conversed telepathically. He ended up helping the being to escape, and it was rescued by ET craft.
The military back-engineered ET craft, and between 1986-7 they got one into the air, but it crashed.
57 different alien species have been cataloged visiting our planet-- some of them so bizarre you wouldn't recognize them as life forms, while others could pass for human. They're able to travel through wormholes, and arrive outside of our atmosphere so as not to cause disturbances such as sonic booms.
C2C, 2009 02 05