Did Hitler Escape to Argentina?
Recent tests have shown that a skull fragment with a bullet hole thought to be from Adolf Hitler actually belonged to a woman. The piece of bone had long been held up as evidence that the Fuhrer shot himself in his bunker, as the Russians advanced into Berlin in April 1945.
Joseph P. Farrell, commented on this new evidence, noting that the skull may belong to Hitler's companion, Eva Braun. He also briefly outlined his theory that Hitler escaped to San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, with the help of his private secretary Martin Bormann, where they lived out their final days.
C2C, 2009 10 05
Anthrax Attacks & Germ Warfare
Journalists and filmmakers Bob Coen and Eric Nadler discussed their work on the untold story of the 2001 anthrax attacks, dark secrets of germ warfare research, and how it ties in with deaths of microbiologists around the world. Biodefense researcher Bruce Ivins, the suspect the FBI named in anthrax attacks, committed suicide before he could be brought to trial. Ivins' co-workers at Fort Detrick in Maryland, whom Nadler & Coen spoke with, said his death was a convenient set-up. The equipment needed to make the weaponized anthrax used in the 2001 attacks wasn't available to Ivins.
Anthrax Attacks & Germ Warfare
Journalists and filmmakers Bob Coen and Eric Nadler discussed their work on the untold story of the 2001 anthrax attacks, dark secrets of germ warfare research, and how it ties in with deaths of microbiologists around the world. Biodefense researcher Bruce Ivins, the suspect the FBI named in anthrax attacks, committed suicide before he could be brought to trial. Ivins' co-workers at Fort Detrick in Maryland, whom Nadler & Coen spoke with, said his death was a convenient set-up. The equipment needed to make the weaponized anthrax used in the 2001 attacks wasn't available to Ivins.
Coen & Nadler investigated the mysterious suicide of biological warfare expert David Kelly, who worked as a UN weapons inspector in Iraq, as well as at the UK's Porton Down in the Defence Microbiology Division. Forensic evidence showed his death was a murder. There were no fingerprints on the knife he used to cut his wrist. Kelly may have worked with Dr. Death Wouter Basson in South Africa, where ethno-specific bioweapons were developed in the 1980s. Kelly might have wanted to get out of his field and reveal secrets, and had to be eliminated as a man who knew too much.
A Soviet biological warfare expert, who defected to the UK, Vladimir Pasechnik, died of a stroke in 2001 and may be another case of someone who knew too much. The big picture is that there's a germ warfare race underway globally, and that the corporate sector is profiting from it. The late Stephen Dresch, an investigator who followed the trail, referred to the international bioweapons mafia, which includes university professors, spooks, corporate leaders, and European industrialists. To raise public awareness of this issue, and for information, see the Get Involved page.
Generation Rx
Writer/producer Kevin Miller talked about his film project, Generation Rx, which looks at how serious side effects and suicide are associated with psychiatric drugs like Prozac. The pharmaceutical industry has acted in collusion with the FDA to downplay or hush-up dangers of these substances.
C2C, 2009 06 12
JFK Assassination & Conspiracies
George Knapp welcomed award-winning broadcaster John Barbour for a discussion about the JFK assassination. Parts of Barbour's interview with the late Jim Garrison were played. Garrison was the New Orleans DA who conducted his investigation into the assassination and implicated the CIA. AboveTopSecret.com's Mark Allin joined the conversation to talk about the evolution of conspiracy-related media.
Barbour said his 3-hour interview with Garrison was inspiring and exhilarating. Portions aired on his TV show Real People in 1988, were edited without his consent. It made Garrison look delusional. He told Barbour that he believed 6 people killed Kennedy, acting in 3 teams of 2. 32 individuals were involved in the conspiracy. Included was Lawrence V. Meyers, a businessman with ties to the CIA, who met with Jack Ruby on Nov. 23rd, 1963.
The changing of JFK's motorcade route in Dallas was part of the conspiracy. A CIA agent named Richard Case Nagell who had been assigned to keep an eye on Oswald, claimed he wrote a letter to J. Edgar Hoover in September 1963, warning of a plot to assassinate Kennedy in November. He was ignored and jailed. Allin commented that after all these years, people want answers in the JFK assassination, and that the 9-11 truth movement has served to re-energize public's interest in conspiracies. Barbour's interview The Garrison Tapes, can be viewed in its entirety on AboveTopSecret.com at http://media.abovetopsecret.com/media/1956/The_Garrison_Tapes_Part_1/
C2C, 2009 06 01
Thermite & 9-11
Thermite & 9-11
Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed explosive material found in 9/11 WTC dust. An April 2009 report in the Open Chemical Physics Journal by a Danish chemist and American physicist said that nanotechnolgy-produced thermite was found in dust samples at the WTC site after the 9-11 attacks. Linda spoke with Pr. David Harrit of the University of Copenhagen who told her that Livermore Lab was producing such material for military purposes and there is no doubt that the explosions of the future will be nanothermitic. She also interviewed Steven E. Jones, Ph.D., co-author of the report with Harrit. He spoke about how NIST (National Institute for Standards and Technology) refused to look for explosives in the residue, in their congressional ordered investigation into 9-11.
On this date in 1776, in Bavaria, Jesuit-taught Dr. Adam Weishaupt formed a secret society, the Order of the Illuminati.
C2C, 2009 05 01
Moon Hoax Theory
Moon Hoax Theory
Ian Punnett spoke with documentary filmmaker Bart Sibrel, who provided evidence to show moon missions were faked by NASA. The lack of photographic evidence of Neil Armstrong's famous moon walk is suspect, as is the astronaut's unwillingness to talk about his alleged experiences on the moon. Armstrong eluded to this deception in a cryptic speech from 1994, when he told a group of high school students that someday they would be able to remove one of truth's protective layers like the 25,000 mile thick Van Allen radiation belt, which would have kept astronauts from traveling beyond low earth orbit. Apollo 12 astronaut Alan Bean admitted he did not pass through this dangerous radiation barrier. Sibrel spoke about moon mission photos, specifically a fake shot by the Apollo 11 crew showing their progress halfway to the moon, as well as his controversial theory about the Apollo 1 fire, which may have been set by the CIA.
Callers lined up on both sides of the debate, many agreeing in one way or another. Ian invited Sibrel back to speak with Kevin W. Kelley, author of The Home Planet who has looked at every hand held image taken by astronauts and concluded that they went to the moon. Sibrel disagreed since moon photos appear to have been lit using artificial lights in a studio.
Richard from Connecticut referred Ian to a recent photo of Charles Manson that shows a man who has lived a life of pain. Victoria in Arizona talked about a connection between Manson victim, Sharon Tate, and Robert Kennedy, and suggested Manson used MK Ultra mind control techniques on his followers.
Ian played an audio clip from journalist Seymour Hersh, who claims to have uncovered an executive assassination ring led by former VP Dick Cheney.
C2C, 2009 03 21
Chips, Surveillance, Privacy
Chips, Surveillance, Privacy
PI Roger Tolces spoke about the latest news in surveillance. Computers are assembled in China, and he presented his theory of the Manchurian microchip. According to a source, machines are secretly equipped with a hidden microchip that can be activated at any time by China's military-intelligence service to gather information.
Privacy expert Katherine Albrecht warned of GE's development of a technology baptized "Smart Grid." The plan calls for people to install smart meters and thermostats in their homes to allow outside parties to monitor household activities remotely. Appliances could be turned off during peak usage hours. Detailed monitoring would encroach on privacy.
Albrecht expressed concerns over the increased usage of RFID tags to track drivers in their cars. Tags may be added to enhanced driver's licenses. This would turn the cards into remotely readable tracking devices-- making people trackable all the time.
C2C, 2009 02 26
Military ChemWar Experiments
Military ChemWar Experiments
George Knapp was joined by attorney Gordon P. Erspamer and psychiatrist Dr. James Ketchum, who engaged in a spirited debate over military experiments conducted on troops during the 1950s and 60s. Guests offered different perspectives on how much soldiers were told about tests and who was behind the project on LSD, BZ (the deliriant hallucinogen, 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate administered to U.S. troops by the government in secret to increase fighting power) and marijuana derivatives.
Ketchum, who conducted such tests for the Army at the Edgewood Arsenal facility, said that the research was aimed at protecting soldiers against potential chemical attacks by enemy nations. Soldiers in the program were prepared quite thoroughly. Ketchum detailed a rigorous process in which they have plenty of time to ask questions and have them answered and they also have the opportunity to withdraw from any study they don't want to go into.
Erspamer disagreed with Ketchum's claims that soldiers were extensively informed about experiments, saying it's absolutely contrary to his understanding and discussions with every soldier he'd spoken to. Participants at Edgewood had been duped beforehand and told they'd be testing military equipment. Once there, they just started injecting them with various codenamed substances.
C2C, Wikipedia, 2009 02 16